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Gigabit ethernet?

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 15:01
by Janx Spirit
Whats currently keeping me from getting a bubba server is partly the fact that it still only has 10/100 ethernet. Will the device soon get gigabit ethernet or is it not fast enough to need any better LAN connection than 100mbit?

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 15:45
by johannes
The current platform wouldn't gain much from having GB Ethernet, there are other more significant bottlenecks. However, we are looking into a follow-up, wich most likely will have better performance (and GB Ethernet of course).

No specs are set, and no decisions have been made, we'll see if and when it arrives. :)

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 11:08
by joff
I am considering purchasing a Bubba, but would also like e.g. a faster net connection, the possibility of adding an extra harddisk etc.
The follow up you mention Johannes, is it just around the corner, or will it be a while before it's available? (I don't want to buy one now, only to find out a new improved version becomes available in a few months!).

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 11:15
by johannes

I fully understand your question. However it's at least 8 months, but more likely something like a year before release of the follow-up. We'll let people know when we come closer. :)

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 09:59
by dbudbu
I suppose it would be too much to hope that when you get to your higher performance bubba-processor board that it could be a plugin replacement to existing one; without having to scratch the disk? Hopefully still ARM based?

Just a vote from an embedded-linux hacker..

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 09:19
by jmv
Coming from ....

Why do I find Bubba interesting :
-Fanless => very quiet. That's something really important (Wife Acceptance Factor)
-Small (WAF again)
-Simple :D
-Software scalable (Debian)

What's missing
-Gigabit interface

johannes wrote:Hi,

I fully understand your question. However it's at least 8 months, but more likely something like a year before release of the follow-up. We'll let people know when we come closer. :)
Any news ?
Will this follow-up be still fanless?

Thanks in advance


Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 14:54
by Calder
I'm also wondering if there has been any progress in adding gigabit ethernet?

Have been using a Linksys Slug, but it can't really stream DVDs to my mediaplayer, and copying does take a while.