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GUI of an application from B3 on Linux machine through ssh
Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 06:20
by amishorn
Hi at all
I've found a
HowTo for running a user interface on a Windows machine.
(Running graphical application from Bubba on your windows pc) From that I derrived the principle for a Linux machine, however it doesn't work. My goal is to run a
mysql frontend like Emma in order to configure the mysql server in a more convenient way.
Till now I additionally installed the following packages on my B3:
- - xbase-clients
- x11-common
- xterm
with the command:
- apt-get install xbase-clients x11-common xterm
as mentioned in the tutorial. Furthermore, I installed as well emma on the B3. But now, I always get a list of warnings, headed by that one:
- Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gtk/ GtkWarning: could not open display warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning)
when I try to start
Emma. Can anybody help me to get the user interface on my Linux machine? B.t.w., on my computer is aptosid running. It is a distribution based on debian.
Thank you very much in advance.
Regards, aimless
Re: GUI of an application from B3 on Linux machine through s
Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 06:31
by Ubi
Just a stab at the obvious before we go into the details:
* you are running your ssh client with ForwardAgent yes and ForwardX11 yes
* you already tried all the suggestions posted here:
Re: GUI of an application from B3 on Linux machine through s
Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 09:48
by amishorn
Hi Ubi
Jep, yesterday night I tried a lot to get it working, however nothing led me to the goal. First I followed to this guideline: ... windows_pc what ended up with the message I've mentioned in my last post. Afterwards I googled and found several solutions and followed mainly to that one: ... ser/187879
However, then as I add the entry "ForwardAgent yes" to the sshd_config file of my B3 and
rebooted it, I was no more able to connect to my B3 through ssh. Therefore, I took the HDD out of the housing and connected it to my desktop and had to notice that the sshd_config file of my B3 was empty. I copied the one of my desktop (Linux: aptosid) to my B3 and it worked again. As I now added the entry again and tired to
reload the ssh, I got the following error message:
Code: Select all
/etc/ssh/sshd_config: line 63: Bad configuration option: ForwardAgent
/etc/ssh/sshd_config: terminating, 1 bad configuration options
Do I have to configure the sshd_config file of my desktop system as well?
Regards, aimless.
Re: GUI of an application from B3 on Linux machine through s
Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 13:42
by Gordon
If you're on windows I suggest you read
this howto for putty. I've used putty before to do what you're trying to accomplish and it worked right out of the box.
Also, try something simple like xclock first.
Re: GUI of an application from B3 on Linux machine through s
Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 15:18
by ryz
Nice to see that some one actually uses the wiki I wrote. Sorry it does not work for you.
First try to start an xterm. That is run the command
You are running the command with the same user as you login in with ssh and not as root are you? You have to do some extra step to be able to start graphical application after you done a su to root .
You have to make sure that the xauth binary is installed. Just run
to test if it is not installed install it with
Re: GUI of an application from B3 on Linux machine through s
Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 15:26
by ryz
By the way ForwardAgent is an client configuration and not an server configuration so it should not be in the B3 configuration file hence the error message.
Re: GUI of an application from B3 on Linux machine through s
Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 02:23
by amishorn
Hi all
So, I am working again on the issue. Now I inserted the expession
"ForwardAgent yes" in the
ssh_config file of the desktop computer as it was recognized as a "bad configuration option" if I put it in the sshd_config file.
Following entries are now within the corresponding files:
On desktop computer (client):
- In ssh_config:
- ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11 no
On the B3 (server):
When I try to start the xterm I get the message:
Code: Select all
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyxterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0
Yes, I am running on the command with the same user as I login and
not as root unless I have to modify the configuration files.
xauth seems to be installed, as it get started when I call it.
Additional note:
Always when I try to reload the ssh I get the message:
- Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
However, I guess that it has no impact on my issue.
Regards, amishorn