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Ruby on bubba

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 15:20
by msx
Hi! If anyone is interested, i compiled Ruby 1.8.6 on bubba today. It looks like it's not avaiable on debian repositories.

Anyway, it compiles without problems, and also faster than i thought (it still takes quite long of course :P).
To compile, just follow the README. It works out of the box, here are the relevant steps:

cd ruby-1.8.6
sudo make install

Bye :)

Ruby on Rails

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 15:39
by dougie
Hi msx

Have you managed to get Ruby on Rails installed?
I installed Ruby using apt-get, and it installed Ruby 1.8.2 After installing RubyGem, I couldn't get Rails to install.



Re: Ruby on Rails

Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 05:00
by Gerrard
dougie wrote:Hi msx

Have you managed to get Ruby on Rails installed?
I installed Ruby using apt-get, and it installed Ruby 1.8.2 After installing RubyGem, I couldn't get Rails to install.


Ok I'm bumping this rather old message.

I have had som success with ROR and of course some problem.

I have managed to install Ruby on Rails partially. I can issue the command

Code: Select all

rails myTestApp
but the command doesn't create all the necessary files. For example I miss dispatch.fcgi and .httaccess.

I installed Ruby 1.8.7, by compiling the source. I have installed the RubyGem version 1.3.5 from the Ruby on Rails website

I have also installed the following gems

Code: Select all

abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (2.3.5)
actionpack (2.3.5)
activerecord (2.3.5)
activeresource (2.3.5)
activesupport (2.3.5)
addressable (2.1.1)
crack (0.1.4)
data_objects (0.10.1)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
dm-core (0.10.2)
dm-migrations (0.10.2)
erubis (2.6.5)
extlib (0.9.14)
fcgi (0.8.8)
haml (2.2.17)
hashie (0.1.5)
highline (1.5.1)
httparty (0.5.0, 0.4.5)
json_pure (1.2.0)
mailfactory (1.4.0)
merb-action-args (1.0.15)
merb-assets (1.0.15)
merb-auth (1.0.15)
merb-auth-core (1.0.15)
merb-auth-more (1.0.15)
merb-auth-slice-password (1.0.15)
merb-cache (1.0.15)
merb-core (1.0.15)
merb-exceptions (1.0.15)
merb-gen (1.0.15)
merb-haml (1.0.15)
merb-helpers (1.0.15)
merb-mailer (1.0.15)
merb-param-protection (1.0.15)
merb-slices (1.0.15)
merb_datamapper (1.0.15)
mime-types (1.16)
mysql (2.8.1)
oauth (0.3.6)
ParseTree (3.0.4)
rack (1.1.0, 1.0.1)
rails (2.3.5)
rake (0.8.7)
RedCloth (4.2.2)
rspec (1.3.0)
ruby-hmac (0.3.2)
ruby2ruby (1.2.4)
ruby_parser (2.0.4)
RubyInline (3.8.4)
sexp_processor (3.0.3)
templater (1.0.0)
thor (0.9.9)
twitter (0.8.1, 0.8.0)
twittery (0.0.4)
ZenTest (4.2.1)
What do I miss to be able to crete and complete RoR application?

Re: Ruby on bubba

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 07:59
by sam
Hi guys,

Just wanted to share my experiences of how I got RoR working on my Bubba2.
It took me about 6 hours to figure this out, so forgive me if I've missed something out.

First, make sure your apt-get urls are up to date since the etch main repo has moved.

- download and extract Ruby 1.8.7
- apt-get install gcc
- apt-get install zlib1g-dev
- apt-get install libssl-dev (I think, anyway, you need the dev openssl package)
- download the latest version of sqlite3 and install (apt-get wont get the latest)
- compile and install ruby
- download and extract RubyGems
- in the rubygems src folder, ruby setup.rb
- gem install rails --include-dependencies

so basically, before I could get Ruby on Rails running, I had to install gcc, zlib, openssl, and sqlite3

If you cant figure out how to do those steps, let me know and I'll get into more detail
