i have a b2, 1Tb and the external esata also 1TB attached.
when i click Create RAID array it returns No useable disk found.
there may be some stuff on the external disk.
how can i setup this external disk for raid?
please advise.
thank you.
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RAID is not setting itself up...[SOLVED]
RAID is not setting itself up...[SOLVED]
Last edited by zander on 11 Jan 2013, 11:51, edited 1 time in total.
Re: RAID is not setting itself up...
Maybe the raid-maker script doesnot like it that you have data on that second disk. If so, you can try removing all partitions from that disk. In windows , right click on my computer, select 'manage' and then disk management. On linux, go to the ssh shell, run "fdisk /dev/sdb" , press "h" for help, and follow instructions on deleting partitions.
It is possible to manually create the raid partition, but you need to do a little hacking from the ssh shell
It is possible to manually create the raid partition, but you need to do a little hacking from the ssh shell
Re: RAID is not setting itself up...
i ran
looks like there is only the root partition, user partition and the swap partition.
it seems the external drive may not even be mounted. is /dev/sda2 the external disk or user space on the primary bubba disk?
i want to be sure before i start doing stuff.
can someone verify this please?
thank you.
i ran
Code: Select all
root@blacksun:/# blkid -c /dev/null
/dev/sda1: LABEL="Bubba root" UUID="043d3ef2-de20-4a39-9710-5c1cd83b6dd3" TYPE="ext3"
/dev/sda2: UUID="wH4ytO-T0rk-Tzps-2fW7-0Yoo-gEyv-osvaWI" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/sda3: TYPE="swap"
/dev/mapper/bubba-storage: LABEL="Bubba home" UUID="18d4e828-b650-4437-b12e-47e544fa682a" TYPE="ext3"
it seems the external drive may not even be mounted. is /dev/sda2 the external disk or user space on the primary bubba disk?
i want to be sure before i start doing stuff.
can someone verify this please?
thank you.
Re: RAID is not setting itself up...
can someone tell me where the raid setup script is please?
so i can take a look at it and see where the external drive is at least suppose to be mounted.
thank you.
so i can take a look at it and see where the external drive is at least suppose to be mounted.
thank you.