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Issue restoring a 2 TB RAID volume onto a 3 TB B3 harddrive?

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 09:16
by Moloko

I got stuck in the upgrade process from a not so old B3 version to the latest image. The upgrade process via a memory stick got stuck and only the red led was lit forever - never came to the blue status...

So, my B3 won't boot up properly and I haven't yet managed to mount the LVM volume with the /home/user area...

I have a storage disk attached to my B3, as RAID-1.

It struck me that I maybe could try to do a fresh install on a new 3 TB harddrive that is inserted into B3 (take first out the original internal 2 TB harddrive of B3) and try to restore the RAID-1 volume back to the newly installed harddrive.

The issue here is that the current RAID harddrive has capacity of 2 TB.
The newly installed B3 harddrive would have capacity of 3 TB.

So the question is:
Would it be a problem restoring the RAID-1 area that is now 2TB, onto a internal harddrive that is 3TB?

Re: Issue restoring a 2 TB RAID volume onto a 3 TB B3 harddr

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 09:18
by Moloko
As background information, it seems I have the same(?) issue as in this thread:

I haven't been able to mount properly the LVM area on the internal B3 harddrive...