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Airprint with iOS 6

Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 14:21
by dsudar
I just upgraded my iThings to iOS 6 and Airprint no longer works. Everything is still fine with iThings running iOS 5.

I did find some references on the web referring to this issue with "recipes" how to fix for Centos and Ubuntu.

Is there such a "recipe" for my b3 running Or is it fine to follow the instructions for Ubuntu? Anybody have any experience what works before I screw up my b3?

Question for the Excito team: any plans putting such a patch into

- Damir

Re: Airprint with iOS 6

Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 15:08
by RandomUsername
Can you post a link to some of the solutions you found?

Re: Airprint with iOS 6

Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 17:29
by dsudar
I tried before but wasn't allowed by the forum police. Let me try again:

I found the following:
Centos 6: ... -for-ios-6
another for Ubuntu: ... on-ubuntu/

I haven't tried anything yet, hoping for a kind soul who figured out how to do it on Bubba.

- Damir

Re: Airprint with iOS 6

Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 19:20
by RandomUsername
Well, I can't see any harm in trying the two Ubuntu solutions you posted. Just make sure to backup any files before you edit them.

Re: Airprint with iOS 6

Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 21:21
by dsudar
Okay, so here are what I think are the minimum steps to restore the Airprint functionality on a B3 running when printing from an iOS 6 iDevice:

cd /usr/share/cups/mime

create the following 2 files:

airprint.convs containing:

# "$Id: $"
# AirPrint
# Updated list with minimal set 25 Sept
image/urf application/pdf 100 pdftoraster
# End of "$Id: $".

and a file: airprint.types containing:

# "$Id: $"
# AirPrint type
image/urf urf string(0,UNIRAST<00>)
# End of "$Id: $".

# get and execute the script by TJ Fontaine (see: ... _printers/):

cd /tmp # or wherever you like to put some temp files
wget ...

# let python run the script and generate the service files with the prefix "printer_"
python -p printer_

# now you have .service files in that directory for each of your printers; copy those to /etc/avahi/services
su # become su
cp printer_*.service /etc/avahi/services

# finally restart both cupsd and avahi-daemon
service cupsd restart
service avahi-daemon restart

And your printers should again show up on iOS6 iDevices.

Good luck,
- Damir