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Posted: 25 May 2007, 19:33
by dan13l
Is anyone running a SyncML solution on their Bubba? I'd love details!
Posted: 26 May 2007, 03:11
by tor
This sounds interesting

We actually have plans on our todo list to integrate more stuff like that in Bubba..
What software is out there that supports syncml? The only one i know of is OpenSync,
Posted: 28 May 2007, 17:40
by dan13l
I found:
Somehow I missed OpenSync, which looks very good.
I figured a SyncML server on Bubba would be an awesome addition - lots and lots of phones are using the standard now, so it would be great if Bubba could become a central sync source for the whole family's mobiles!
Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 01:55
by tor
The funambol one looked interesting. Unfortunately it seems to be written in java. So atm that most probably wont work.
Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 07:32
by bigjtu
Hi, I recently bought a Bubba and became interested in installing a SyncML server, but as I'm a complete Linux noob, I still haven't been able to. I spotted this old thread and wondered if anyone has done it?
It seems that Funambol server is out of the question because it's written in Java, but has anyone tried OpenSync? (I guess it requires tinkering with SVN, and compiling and stuff, so I haven't yet dared to try it mysef, as I have no idea what I'm doing when on Linux.

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 14:49
by trencarbe
Just curious, has anyone succeed in setting up a SyncML server in the Bubba? Suggestions on how to do it?