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[Solved] minidlna needs higher "max_user_watches"

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 01:32
by eramoli

Every time I start minidlna I get a warning in the log. it says
inotify.c:182: warn: WARNING: Inotify max_user_watches [8192] is low or close to the number of used watches [570] and I do not have permission to increase this limit. Please do so manually by writing a higher value into /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches.
I have tried increasing the value of max_user_watches to 32768 but that did not change anything. Since I do not know what will happen if I increase it even more, and I do not find any info on the net, I thoought I should check with you.

1) Do you get the same warning when starting minidlna?
2) What is the risk/drawback, if any, with increasing max_user_watches to a really high number?
3) Is this actually a incorrect warning? Having a limit of 8192 when using 570 watches does not seem like it is close to the limit.

Best Regards,
Morgan, who like clean logs.

Re: minidlna needs higher "max_user_watches"

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 03:21
by rjakobsson
I did this, and have not experienced any drawbacks yet.
But also, it seems like my minidlna config file missed "/videos" and "/pictures".
Have you looked through yours?

Re: minidlna needs higher "max_user_watches"

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 13:40
by eramoli
Hi rjacobsson,

Yes I have all three in my minidlna config file.

Did the warning dissapear when you increased the limit to 32768? The warning is still there for me. I also now discovered that the value was reset to 8192 after a reeboot. Did you do anything else to get it to remain after a reeboot?

Best Regards,

Re: minidlna needs higher "max_user_watches"

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 18:22
by HnLn
In this post it says that minidlna considers anything below 65536 as being low, not sure if that's official info:

And now I checked I also see that the value I set is overwritten.

Google tells me via ... ost-192415 that you have to set it like so:
"to set this at boot, better edit /etc/sysctl.conf and append this line to it:

fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 100000"

Gonna try this and report back if my system explodes :-).

Re: minidlna needs higher "max_user_watches"

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 01:20
by eramoli
Hi HnLn,

I need to improve my Googling skills, I have searched but not found these entries :-)

As indicated in the posts this removed the warning from minidlna as well as ensured that the setting survived a boot. Thanks!


Re: [Solved] minidlna needs higher "max_user_watches"

Posted: 02 Feb 2013, 10:34
by ther
Thanks! This solved my problems as well!