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Cannot update
Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 02:55
by emil_12
I've started an update process that at one point timed out.
Now every time i try to update again i get an error. Info below:
"Preparing to update system
Error: error
Current package versions
Package name Package version
bubba 2.3
bubba-album 2.3
bubba-backend 2.4
bubba-frontend 2.3
bubba3-kernel 1:
filetransferdaemon 0.50.26
squeezecenter 7.5.4.dfsg1-2 "
Any ideas ?
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 03:13
by johannes
Please restart your B3 and then try updating again. If it does not help please email support and we'll help you there.
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 16:10
by emil_12
I tried with restart and that did not work...
I've mailed support. How long does it usually take to get a answer from them ?
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 04:18
by oliver
emil_12 wrote:How long does it usually take to get a answer from them ?
Normaly they are really fast
Meanwhile you can try the following:
change_distribution elwin
apt-get upgrade (not sure maybe "update")
apt-get distro-upgrade (not sure maybe "update")
Hope that helps
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 08:26
by Binkem
Apt-get update
Apt-get dist-upgrade
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 08:35
by oliver
Thanks Martijn, was not sure

Re: Cannot update
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 08:48
by emil_12
Thanks for the tip, I would love to try, but i only have the admin account (i also have a problem that i can't create users) and from what I've seen i can't use that one to connect ssh
Any other idea ?
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 09:37
by oliver
why not ? canĀ“t allow SSH access for admin within the webinterface ?
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 17:40
by emil_12
it wont work, its disabled by default (and can't enable)
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 08:10
by Ubi
this is an interesting problem that you created

. Indeed the admin account cannot log in. What you need is to login as user root, with the default password "excito" (without the brackets). At least that works if root login is permitted (I cant remember if this is so in the default setup). Please try this.
If all this fails, you may need to get a rescue USB disk to log in and repair the machine from that point on.
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 09:56
by emil_12
Tried with root and no luck, how can i get the USB rescue ?
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 13:48
by Ubi
There is some explanation in
But I agree this could be improved for windows users

Re: Cannot update
Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 10:06
by emil_12
Cool, since i did not get to put much data there I'm considering just reinstalling everything.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Thanks!
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 15:27
by emil_12
wohoo ! it worked!!
Unziped the archive on a FAT32 usb stick, plugged the stick then plugged AC while holding power button.
It took a while to get it done (~15min?), so i was a little nervous
Thanks a lot ! i was very close to sending it back
Now it actually works great. Thanks again!
Re: Cannot update
Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 12:34
by pulp
I have the same problem: My Rescue System is not working. Standard root password does not work.
Root access is not available. It seems that the the b3 is not booting from USB. Is there any ISO-File of the system?