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Bubba/fetchmail vs SheevaPlug/getmail

Posted: 26 Nov 2011, 06:30
by dan_bub
My Bubba2 is collecting pop3-mail from several mailboxes.
A SheevaPlug on the same LAN with a getmail/dovecot-setup is collecting exactly the same mail. Now, while the SheevaPlug-mail pops up almost immediately (thunderbird-client), the mail collected by Bubba drops by some 30 minuttes later.
Why is that, and where could I start investigating. (the fetchmail-setting for poll interval is set to 300)
Thanks for listening.


Re: Bubba/fetchmail vs SheevaPlug/getmail

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 07:09
by r.schreurs
If still of relevance to you, or any other reader, I would start with inspecting the mail log.

Go to http://bubba/admin/settings/logs, select mail.log and click Show.

I see entries marked "bubba fetchmail" when the bubba looks for mail on the remote server where my incoming mail is stored. Entries marked "bubba dovecot: IMAP(<user>)" report traffic from the mail client on my Pc to the bubba. Content, order and time stamps of log entries may reveal the cause of the delays.