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Zoneminder software on Bubba 2

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 03:34
by Speedy999
Hi All,

I'm having trouble getting Zoneminder software installed on Bubba 2. Im stuck at getting gcc-avr onto Bubba 2.

Has anyone managed to do this ?

I see that Zoneminder can be installed via apt-get on Bubba 3, so I was wondering can a Bubba 3 install image be used on Bubba 2 ?

I really could do with getting the Zoneminder software working.

Any help much appreciated.


Re: Zoneminder software on Bubba 2

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 05:20
by Speedy999
I found this ... 278#p17278 which explains how update Bubba 2 to 2.4 RC1.

Re: Zoneminder software on Bubba 2

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 04:00
by Speedy999
Arrrghh !! That didnt work !

Bubba update to 2.4 RC1 failed .. now I just have a constant flashing light.

Will have another look into this tonight.

Re: Zoneminder software on Bubba 2

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 03:32
by Speedy999
Ok all sorted.

Bubba 2 now running with 2.4 RC1 and with ZoneMinder installed too.

Initial problems with not being able to install were due to the fact that the payload file was corrupted.

I couldn't open it with WinZip, so redownloaded, checked the zip by opening again and tried the install again and the update worked just fine.