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Network Web GUI not responding

Posted: 05 Nov 2011, 12:57
by BreezerSwe
I have upgraded my B2 with a 2TB disk and therfor reinstalled with new software. I chose to use the newly released 2.4-RC1.

A strange problem occured since when I'm trying to changed the network profile from "Automatic network settings" to "Server only". When I press the "Update" button absolutely nothing happens. The web page doesn't seem to post at all. Probably some bug?

My question is, does anyone know if this problem with the web page can solved? If not, can I do the action manually (what I'm trying to do through the Web GUI)?

I appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance!


Re: Network Web GUI not responding

Posted: 05 Nov 2011, 14:06
by BreezerSwe
I tried once again (manually changed settings in bubbacfg file) to "server" and rebooted. It seems to work now so something must have went wrong the last time.

Re: Network Web GUI not responding

Posted: 05 Nov 2011, 14:51
by BreezerSwe
Just to share my new knowlede here. There is a bug in the new 2.4-RC1 release for B2 and if you run into a simliar problem that I had, meaning that when changing Network Profile the Network Web Conf GUI won't respond when you click "Update" you can do it manually in a terminal.

1. Edit the file "/home/admin/.bubbacfg"
2. Change the "network_profile" setting to
a. "auto" ("Automatic network settings")
b. "router" ("Router + Firewall + Server")
c. "server" ("Server only")
3. Reboot the server and your selected network profile should load.
