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Mount exFAT on Bubba

Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 07:52
by BreezerSwe
Hi Everyone!
I'm working in different environments (Bubba2 (Linux), Windows and MacOS). To able to have a FileSystem that supports all these environments and also managing files bigger than 4096GB I selected exFAT on my external diskdrive. It works fine but I'm not able to mount my disk in the Bubba web interface by default.

I found this guide which worked perfectly fine and I'm now able to mount my exFAT disk to my Bubba.

A question to the development team; could you please add this as a default feature in upcoming releases and give possibility to mount automatically from the web interface?

Instead of "sudo" go to "root" mode by entering "su" and type your root password.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install subversion scons libfuse-dev gcc
$ svn co exfat-read-only
$ cd exfat-read-only
$ scons
$ sudo scons install
$ cd ..
$ sudo mkdir /media/whatever [creating mountpoint - example: sudo mkdir /media/exfat]
$ sudo mount –t exfat-fuse [device_path] [mountpoint]

Re: Mount exFAT on Bubba

Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 15:42
by johannes
Thanks, added to our list for future work! Can't promise it soon though..

Re: Mount exFAT on Bubba

Posted: 25 Oct 2011, 08:18
by ryz
I wounder if including open source exFAT implementation into the distribution is a good idee since it is an according to Wikipedia proprietary, patent-pending file system by Microsoft which takes license fee for usage. I guess this could lead to all possible legal problems for Excito.

Re: Mount exFAT on Bubba

Posted: 25 Oct 2011, 08:31
by johannes
Yes, I also read that Microsoft started to sue wth that patent. We always check such things before doing anything so we'll have to see how it turns out.

Re: Mount exFAT on Bubba

Posted: 26 Oct 2011, 13:13
by Ubi
Be aware that Microsoft can only sue Excito for selling exFAT-enabled devices, not users installing exFAT software. In other words, if a third party or a person would create a (non-profit ) theoretical, proof-of-concept implementation for users to implement exFAT, there's really not much MS can do about it.

Re: Mount exFAT on Bubba

Posted: 26 Oct 2011, 16:34
by Gordon
May require some additional investigation.

File name in the original post seems to indicate that this is a read-only implementation and may therefore not be a breach of patent. The wiki that is referred to names some patents that are related to specific functions provided by exFat; does the open source read-only implementation address these functions?