With Explorer is get this:
My Network places
Microsoft Windows Network
Why is there a home and storage folder? Storage is subdir of home.
If I want to browse home I am asked to login. When I a enter my user name and password then MS says that \\Bubba\home is not accessible. why?
When I remove all the drive mappings on storage, then \\Bubba\home is accessible. I can login and can browse my home\user directory. Why do I have to remove the drive mapping first?
I can now reassign the drive mappings on storage. Everything seams to work fine.
I could live with this if not another problem pops up with that ugly windows . When I have a drive mapping on \\Bubba\home then power save standby does not work anymore. Some process is generating network traffic that refuses it to go in stand by. Not having power save mode on a laptop is killing for my batteries. Manual entering Standby via Start->Turn Off Computer works fine, but thats not an option.
Any suggestions, others then throwing out windows, in solving this problem or something to workaround the problem?
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Bubba in Microsoft Windows Network
Yes, we know that this is a pain in the *ss. Windows seem to have some caching effects that cause a few different problems when browsing a SMB share requiring login.
Regarding the access problems you seem to have solved them, but if not, you may get a hint if reading the FAQ (last three posts are interesting here).
Regarding the power-down issue, that's news to me. Anyone else who has experienced this, and have a workaround?
Regarding the access problems you seem to have solved them, but if not, you may get a hint if reading the FAQ (last three posts are interesting here).
Regarding the power-down issue, that's news to me. Anyone else who has experienced this, and have a workaround?
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
i have a few things to add to this...
network browsing is slowwww. it takes 30 seconds to a min to load a folder list in one of my shares. granted the share has 2500 folders in it. shared from windows it never took as long to load. i like the way this folder is organized and do not really want to change it but if there is nothing that can be done about this slow dir list time i guess i will have too.
burning the fiesty off of bubba took 8 min. a normal image (similiar size) usually takes closer to 3.
the storage and home directories on bubba can be right clicked and mapped within vista, for some reason sub directories under those can not.
i saw someone else recommended using nfs instead of samba but getting it working with vista is over my head. i read some docs and messed around with it but i ran into some issues. if someone could put a good howto together i would really appreciate it.
network browsing is slowwww. it takes 30 seconds to a min to load a folder list in one of my shares. granted the share has 2500 folders in it. shared from windows it never took as long to load. i like the way this folder is organized and do not really want to change it but if there is nothing that can be done about this slow dir list time i guess i will have too.
burning the fiesty off of bubba took 8 min. a normal image (similiar size) usually takes closer to 3.
the storage and home directories on bubba can be right clicked and mapped within vista, for some reason sub directories under those can not.
i saw someone else recommended using nfs instead of samba but getting it working with vista is over my head. i read some docs and messed around with it but i ran into some issues. if someone could put a good howto together i would really appreciate it.
NFS is for transferring files between Linux machines, so it's not going to help you much with Vista.
I have similar slow update problems with my wife's Windows XP laptop. It is not helping my campaign to sell her the benefits of a Bubba based home network. My knowledge of M$ operating systems is limited to a user at work so any tips would be appreciated.
I have similar slow update problems with my wife's Windows XP laptop. It is not helping my campaign to sell her the benefits of a Bubba based home network. My knowledge of M$ operating systems is limited to a user at work so any tips would be appreciated.
Hello Johannes,
I tracked down the auto standby problem. There is a configuration option on my network card that enabled wake up capabilities. This was turned on. This means that if there is network traffic received by the network card it prevents auto standby.
There is ONLY a problem with wake up capabilities enabled and auto standby when mounting a samba share that requires authentication. So I have to assume that the Samba server on Bubba is generating network traffic for this share. Is it probing if there is still a valid login for the share? Can you confirm this?
For now I can turn of wake up capabilities, because I do not need it. Problem solved
I tracked down the auto standby problem. There is a configuration option on my network card that enabled wake up capabilities. This was turned on. This means that if there is network traffic received by the network card it prevents auto standby.
There is ONLY a problem with wake up capabilities enabled and auto standby when mounting a samba share that requires authentication. So I have to assume that the Samba server on Bubba is generating network traffic for this share. Is it probing if there is still a valid login for the share? Can you confirm this?
For now I can turn of wake up capabilities, because I do not need it. Problem solved
