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Controlling the LED (without the bubba package)

Posted: 23 Apr 2007, 16:09
by andrewf

I've uninstalled the 'bubba' package, and I'd _really_ like for the led to stop flashing… Is there a way to control the LED? Even if it means catting files to /proc, or something...

Failing that, any chance we could download the program which controls the LED?

Best regards,

–Andrew Forrest

Posted: 23 Apr 2007, 16:57
by hotep
There's a thread called "How to control your LED" in the support forum.

He's a quote from it:

Just write this in the terminal.
On: /etc/init.d/led_on
Off: /etc/init.d/led_off
Blink: /etc/init.d/led_blink

end quote.

I don't have a Bubba yet. But I'm interested in why you removed the Bubba package. Maybe you don't use it so it is just consuming resources?

No, that's not it

Posted: 23 Apr 2007, 17:08
by andrewf

But no.

/etc/init.d/led_* are all part of the 'bubba' package. So I don't have them any more!

Short answer to why I removed it is that I removed another package which it depends on ('samba' I think). Was just going through the process of removing all services which I’m not going to use. The machine is exposed on the Internet, you see, so the less software on it the better.

Posted: 23 Apr 2007, 17:23
by hotep
Sorry about that. I guess we'll have to find the source code. But I haven't been able to find any of the Bubba source code.

Posted: 24 Apr 2007, 07:02
by tor

The reason for sources not being in our repos is due to the fact that we don't build our packages in the normal debian source but rather build a binary package out of our version system.

But an "easy" way to get access to the led is to extract the gpioapp from the bubba package (or the filesystem if the package is installed), its the /usr/sbin/gpioapp binary you want.

Its used to access some hw at bubba. If you look at the init scripts that uses it you can get see how its used. A short explanation here run gpioapp (as root):

"Normal" blink

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/gpioapp blink 10000 10000
The two numerical values are the settings for the PVM used for blinking. Changing these values will alter the on and off period of the led.

Led of

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/gpioapp off
Led on

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/gpioapp on


Posted: 24 Apr 2007, 08:47
by andrewf
That's brilliant, thanks. Just what I need. (And I might even get fancy one of these days and make it flash every time someone requests a page on my website :-)


Posted: 24 Apr 2007, 09:41
by hotep
The reason for sources not being in our repos is due to the fact that we don't build our packages in the normal debian source but rather build a binary package out of our version system.
What license do you use for excito code?

Surely there must be some GPL code in your repository. In which case you are distributing GPL code. Doesn't that mean you need to make the GPL source available?

Posted: 13 Oct 2007, 14:50
by unavowed
I would like to know the answer to this question too: Under what license are the custom excito programs distributed?

Posted: 15 Oct 2007, 06:51
by tor
For now we release our web-admin as our proprietary application as bundled with Bubba. The backend of the download manager, the ftd application is unreleased GPL.

If anyone is interrested in any specific parts, just let us know and we will see what we can do.
