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accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 03:28
by beeversf
I have been trying to work out the best method to access for installing upgrading and general working on the Bubba.
Thought I would relate my findings so far.
I am accessing it from my WIndows 7 (64 bit) PC. I have used Tunnelier but have settled on Xming running in multiple window mode using putty and executing xterm.
I then get a xterm on the PC which I can launch programs from there. The best file manager I found so far is xfe. I use vi ( now vim) as I love it - we are all strange in some ways

having said that a windows oriented vi would be better.
I have another linux box running Ubuntu for general web page development (gphpedit/ mysql-query-browser pointing to the bubba).
Would welcome ideas on how others are using the bubba without installing a window manager.
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 03:52
by linuxtrap
Original web interface:
Filezilla to move files back and forward.
CIFS mount:
I have this in my fstab.
// /media/83 cifs credentials=/root/smbpass.txt 0 0
Copy over SSH:
scp will let you copy files over SSH
All the basic can be done from the terminal, so that's what i end up using
I guess its more about what you are used to,
Happy hacking!
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 04:59
by sortsnak
I don't use windows at home, but when ever I need to access my b3 from a windows machine I use PuTTY:
Alternativ Kitty which is close to being the same thing, but has a few tweaked features:
These programs excel due to the fact its both ssh telnet and serial connections on windows, you can tweak it alot, but main thing its, by default its nearly as good as the ssh on a native linux box.
About the b3 - my main tool is Midnight Commander. mc, : apt-get install mc.
I would advice people who has difficulties overviewing the filesystem on linux to take a look at it. When you get the hang of it's brilliant Its a two window look that you can switch between on the [tab]-key. It has internal or external editors - your choice, vim, nano etc. The bar at the buttom is shortcuts to F-keys.
few usefull commands over ssh:
ps -A = Complete process tree
ps -A |less = browseable process tree (to quit :q)
ps -A |grep smb = check if samba is running and what pid it has.
otherwise there is always the program 'top'
pkill proccessname = to kill some process by name.
tcpdump - listen on the network packets on your network
nmap - brilliant portscanner check what services you really run -> please don't abuse.
You may allready know this, or have something better, let us know

Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 06:32
by linuxtrap
Thanks for the tips about Midnight Commander!
I can see how this would be perfect for windows users. it give you mouse navigation of your bubba files from your terminal, cool! You can even right click to mark files, hehe
All windows users and old Norton Commander hackers, enjoy!
I can feel my NC skills wake up again. They where last used 1994.
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 16:38
by Ubi
don't forget about winSCP!!
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 03:24
by Eek
And Total Commander!
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 17:42
by linuxtrap
Shows the process tree for the current user. Can be used for system administration tasks. Like, if you wish to see which process was started by what program
cat /sys/class/net/*/address
List your MACs address
Have you ever lost a computer on your network? Try this in your terminal:
for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 192.168.1.$ip>/dev/null;
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "192.168.1.$ip UP" || : ; done (all in one line)
It ping all address and make a line for all that answer. (edit the ip-range to fit your net)
apt-get install w3m
A text based web browser, from my experience the best.

Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 05:40
by sortsnak
Removed. Reference to Ubi's post.
On the access Bubba part. Download files directly with "wget
Lynx is a textbased browser that from time to time come in handy.
Goodday to You.
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 15:19
by Ubi
wans't this thread about easily accessing and handling files for windows-adepted users? This whole security thing is interesting, but I think it should not be in this thread.
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 15:37
by beeversf
Ubi is correct - I was looking a windows type environment without loading a window manager on Bubba. I wanted to work on the box rather than copy files from it to a local machine then back again. Some things you can only do on the box itself unless you really open up the security.
I do use the command prompt a lot but prefer a more graphical look at the disks and a more graphical based editor. This usually means I am restricted to true X programs and wondered how everyone else was doing it.
As said previously I do have a linux box which I use for general development and then upload the result using an ftp method usually through nautilus type program, with database tools pointing to the bubba database. All this I access from my windows 7 PC via Xming and remote desktop for the MS type stuff...
I do a lot of development of various types but also maintain my own photo album as the provided one is not very good on high numbers of pictures.
I feel I have not reached the ideal but I am sure it is out there.
Andy B
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 17:01
by Ubi
I understand you're most familiar with gui-based administration, but I need to stress that getting acquainted with text-console is a step that will vastly enhance the possibilities you'll have with a linux based system. In the long run it will make anything you want to do with your computer significantly easier. In fact, most of the really high-end windows admins I know do as much as they can on the console as well. In contrast I've never seen anyone accustomed to console admin switch to gui-only. As an added bonus, people who know unix command line administration will always have a job.
Come to us. Don't be afraid....
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 17:05
by RandomUsername
Got to agree with Ubi.
Even on my super-simple Ubuntu box I find it easier to just open a terminal and bang out a few commands than hunting through menus and icons. For instance, by the time I've typed
I'd still be moving my mouse pointer up to the System menu

Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 04:48
by beeversf
I have been a UNIX kernal programmer (telephone api) in the days before X was normal ( so I am really old) so using xterm and all the ksh/csh/bash, grep ,sed, find,top etal commands including vi is second nature.
However we do not live in that world any longer and I believe a more graphical representation of the file system say is much more helpful.
For instance I believe that rox-filer (on bubba) and rox-term (not on bubba) is a great way of mixing both worlds.
So I run Xming on my main windows 7 machine ( with 2 monitors) and use rox to display a panel with my basic programs - xfe, xterm ( preferably rox-term), ( netbeans, mysql query browser, chromium on my ubuntu machine).
This way my boxes are headless ( apart from the netbook running ubuntu in the kitchen) and I can use the best of both worlds - graphical viewing of file directories and run an xterm (via xfe) at that point in the hierarchy.
This way I do not need to transfer files around the network from machine to machine, use large X resources on bubba and still maintain a GUI look on life.
maybe you should move away from the old dark side and come to the new.
Andy B
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 09:09
by Ubi
Could you be tempted to write a small article in the wiki about setting up a platform like that?
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 15:25
by beeversf
I'll give it a try.