MiniDLNA - How to stream media from USB
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 11:34
Hi There,
Successfully installed MiniDLNA to stream to XBOX 360 - Can see my (supported) files from storage/music | pictures | video in my xbox 360 as well as other media players. Generally all good.
A problem appeared when I tried to share media from an external USB harddrive. The files are simply not displayed anywhere.
I have so far tried:
- added the path /home/storage/extern to the MiniDLNA.conf (with/without the "V,") - restart service
- added a symlink into /home/storage/video pointing to the external drive. (It shows up in Samba on Windows, but MiniDLNA doesn't seem to follow the link.)
- Checked logfiles in /var/log -> nothing.
- Checked logfiles in /tmp/minidlna -> nothing.
My suspicion are that the access rights are not set up properly.
MiniDNLA process is currently running as root (should it?).
Files on USB stick have access rights drwxrwxr-x for user "admin" group "users".
Any help would be much appreciated!
Successfully installed MiniDLNA to stream to XBOX 360 - Can see my (supported) files from storage/music | pictures | video in my xbox 360 as well as other media players. Generally all good.
A problem appeared when I tried to share media from an external USB harddrive. The files are simply not displayed anywhere.
I have so far tried:
- added the path /home/storage/extern to the MiniDLNA.conf (with/without the "V,") - restart service
- added a symlink into /home/storage/video pointing to the external drive. (It shows up in Samba on Windows, but MiniDLNA doesn't seem to follow the link.)
- Checked logfiles in /var/log -> nothing.
- Checked logfiles in /tmp/minidlna -> nothing.
My suspicion are that the access rights are not set up properly.
MiniDNLA process is currently running as root (should it?).
Files on USB stick have access rights drwxrwxr-x for user "admin" group "users".
Any help would be much appreciated!