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Hi Everyone
I'm Just setting up my Bubba 2 - have one problem which is that I have an RJ11 modem socket in the wall for ADSL but the Bubba 2 has an RJ45 WAN socket. I've tried making a cable with an RJ11 end (using blue/white in pin 3 and white/blue in pin 4) but this doesn't seem to work.
Any suggestions how I can get a connection
The Bubba has very much built-in. ADSL modem however is a thing that it has not. If you want to connect Bubba to ADSL you'll need an external ADSL modem. The RJ11 is used for phone signal (between wall socket and ADSL modem) and the RJ45 is for ethernet (network) traffic between ADSL modem and Bubba.
It's quite unfortunate actually as these days it's rather difficult to find a ADSL2 modem that is not also a switch. If anyone can point me to a low-wattage, never-failing ADSL2 modem please do! Might actually be an interesting side-product for bubba.
Thanks again, yes was looking for such a modem. I have a Zyxel ADSL 2 router modem but configuring it is a nightmare - think the firmware is suspect so adding the bubba is not as easy as it should be. Any changes risk the unit to crash and a hard reset is the only way to restore internet. Pulling my hair out but the Bubba is so stable any changes reliably update with no problems. Excito should certainly look into a modem to compliment these servers as quality is the highest
Update: After installing latest firmware I've got router to allow changes without locking me out/hard resetting each time. I'm still struggling to get the Bubba2 visible from the WAN though, although I can now reach it on my LAN with web browsers & FTP. I've got the Bubba2 set up as automatically detect network settings rather than as server (which I've also tried), but whatever I do I can't see the default webpage from outside my LAN. I realise this may still be a router/modem issue, but looking at the router logs I have setup NAT & firewall to allow port 80 to point to Bubba2 and access is being allowed. My question is, is there any way the Bubba2 firewall (which is greyed out and in default mode) be stopping traffic from entering? I know it's reaching it but need to check Bubba logs. Apache2 log is in italics and cannot be selected in this setup...I am guessing this will only work if connected to a modem using the wan port (I am using the LAN port as per instructions to the router). If anyone has any useful tips here please let me know as my router has a great range of options & I don't want to replace it for a simple modem.
the trick is to logically peel of all layers of your problem. What's in the log files? Can you ping the machine? What's in the log files? What happens when you turn off the firewall? What's in the log files? Can the machine ping back? What route does it take? What's in the log files?
AH yes and don't forgot to read the log files!
So in short, try to split your issue into small steps and test these out. Don't speculate or guess if you can know instead by doing a test.
Thanks Ubi Can't believe how long this is taking for what in the past has been a simple 5 minute task!! Will keep checking the logs, just think something isn't right as the apache logs on bubba2 can't be clicked on so nothing is getting to the web server...yet...
Thanks again Ubi. I've decided to buy a new modem for now - should then allow connection and I can get website up & running and after all the Bubba2 is better set up that way...I've spent way too much time wasted trying to do this & guess my router is either faulty for NAT or a setting isn't right. Will update once modem arrives...
Ok update is...firstly I managed to accidentally lock myself out of the Bubba, I know how (my stupidity), however using the flash card that came with the unit to reinstall everything (I chose this rather than reset which I know about), the bubba2 blue light is still flashing at the end of the reinstall. I tried this with the cable connected from the old router with dhcp to the bubba2's WAN port. My question is: how do I log in using SSH as I can't see the bubba on my dhcp client list at the moment. This way I can log in and (I am guessing) check all settings for network. If I retry the reinstallation I just get the same flashing blue light after the re-install. Therefore first I need to find the IP address - where can I see it if it's not on the dhcp client list, and I can't see it using ipconfig /all (in my LAN windows PC)?
Further update - I think re-installation went ok the second time, blue light is now constantly on. Manual says to enter the web interface to update - but id this done through my LAN (leaving the wire in the Bubba2 WAN port), or do I put it in the LAN port now?