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Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 01:51
by innosia
Hi I am new, I am very excited to see B3 product, which is extremely powerful, a small server in a book like size, however I am still determining whether to buy or not.
I have several questions :
1. I don't have a cable connection, only 3G connection over a USB modem. Is B3 supports being plugged by a 3G Modem and internet access only from this modem?
2. what software (maybe packages in linux?) is by default installed in the B3?
3. Is managing web server, file server, etc, all included by the B3 provided user interface or do I have to understand linux in order to configure it? What language for developing website in B3? Is supported?
Thank you for answering
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 03:15
by et05hk6
1. Can't see why it shouldn't work...
2. Do you whant the whole list?

It's about 550 packages installed....
3. Sure, all included, just start using! I don't know about asp (microsoft stuff on linux, dunno, maby) but you can allways use php and cgi and those...
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 03:43
by innosia
Hi et05hk6, thanks for the fast answer.
Wow, there is 550 packages, what are those for? Is it internally used by system or they have user specific features?
I just found the user manual and read it, it never mentions about 3G modem, and I do not know whether my modem has driver in linux? And even more is, because the default behavior of B3 is assuming a WAN is connectede to it, what if there is another connection coming from USB modem, will it able to switch all the features to use that connection instead?
Anybody knows learning linux is difficult? I am planning to learn if B3 meets the criteria of what I want. I see linux user are often more advanced type, knowing protocols, packages, etc, so if begin to learn from zero starting now, how long will it take before i can fully make use of this B3 home server. For simple example, writing service (probably daemon in linux) and hosting my own service on the net?
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 04:43
by et05hk6
Well, out of the 550, you will find loads of strange libraries and stuff you never get in touch with as a user.
Try running "dpkg --get-selections" on any linux computer and you will probably find even more packages installed!
Well, personally I have nothing connected to the WAN port but rather use the LAN port for everything, since im behind a router/firewall, and that is no problem.
Your problem if any would be if there are drivers for your modem, but the driver base in linux is better than any other OS, so there is a good chanse. To be on the safe side though, I would google the modem for linux support.
The nice thing with linux is that you don't actually have to know stuff, you just needs to be good handling google
Everything you can imagine you would like to do with a linux computer that is doable on a linux computer is probably already done, and available as a howto or a forum thread on the web. And if not, well, thats why we have this forum

Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 04:51
by Ubi
Well it's 550 pacakges as the
UNIX philosophy is that your software should do a single thing but do it very well, and thus you easily rack up hundreds of packages (each of which is quite small).
As for the 3G modem, I'm not convinced this will work out-of-the-box without some hacking. As you didn't specify which modem this is, there's not much more for us than to speculate. Or, you can tryp googling for <<your modem>> + linux and see what comes out. But I guess you did that already right
Linux is not difficult if you use your mind. However, writing a daemon is not so much a linux issue as a programming issue, for which you need to learn a programming language (Perl, Python, Ruby, C etc). I guess it's manageable to get mono on a b3, but afaik it's not a standard package. I'd recommend learning a unix language and improve your CV with this much-needed skill at the same time!
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 04:52
by Ubi
seems like et05hk6 and me agree

Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 05:07
by Binkem
Usually using the Linux on your Bubba is relatively easy, just follow the steps outlined in the various howto and Wiki pages. Bubba runs Debian Linux so if it's possible to use your usb modem on a Debian system it should be possible on a Bubba. You might try googling for this. There is an active community willing to help you out and the Excito-crew are very helpful as well, you may just mail them if there are any problems. I dont know if there is anyone who has tried to connect a usb modem to his Bubba server though.
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 05:12
by Ubi
yes there is a thread about it somewhere
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 12:16
by Cheeseboy
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 04 Dec 2010, 03:26
by innosia
Hi cheeseboy, thanks for the link
I have found out somebody posting installing the usb modem driver in debian linux, here it is
My usb modem is ZTE Proprietary MF626
Can somebody help me with that page? Is it applicable to debian linux bubba use? hehe
Btw I have more questions
1. Usually usb modem when plugged in my windows system, i need to run a program and click connect on the program to start connecting internet, what if it is plugged into bubba system? Is it automatically connected?
2. I have lots of external hard drive formatted in NTFS, if i plugged into bubba, can bubba read/write into it? (I think should be specify in user manual, I read it but not mentioned. In my opinion, NTFS is more common now, because of blueray and bigger storage becoming cheaper, NTFS can support more than 4GB file size, while FAT32 only support up to 4GB file size).
3. Any recommended website I can learn debian linux?
I am VERY NOOB in linux (you can assume I know nothing about it). Please shed me some light
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 04 Dec 2010, 03:57
by Cheeseboy
H innosia,
EDIT (missed your first question):
Can somebody help me with that page? Is it applicable to debian linux bubba use? hehe
Sorry, don't know, I have never tried it on the bubbas. I had to do something like that on my Ubuntu (which is also based on debian) laptop though, but the situation is different. You want your laptop to be able to automatically recognise and configure your USB modem when you plug it in on the go. On the bubba, I expect you will have it plugged in permanently...
1. I have not tested this myself, but I think step 5 in the link I sent will do it for you automatically.
2. If you plug in a NTFS USB disk, the B3 web interface has the option to mount it in read-only mode.
You can install ntfs-3g and mount it in read-write, but you cannot do it from the web interface.
I think the same applies to ESATA disks, but I don't know as I haven't tried it.
3. Sorry, I don't have a specific site to recommend, I just use google to search for any specific problem or thing I want to learn. Most of the stuff is generic to Linux (or even to Unix). Some is not.
If you look at Debian specific sites, not everything applies to the B3:
- There is no window system on the B3, but most standard debian installations comes with the gnome or KDE window system.
- There are software packages developed specifically for the B3 that you will not find documented anywhere but here.
In short, the answer to your question (in a previous post) "do I have to understand linux in order to configure it" is:
- Not if you want to use only the basic functionality (i.e. use FAT or EXTx external disks, the built in network interface, etc).
- Yes, if you want to do anything more you will have to get your hands dirty with the linux command prompt (but once you get comfortable with it, you will never want to go back to windows)
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 05:15
by janeks
My 3G modem Huawei E1752 worked with last version of usb_modeswitch.
Uder working I mean that the modem was recorgnized and mounted to /dev/ttyUSB0
and that I can connect to the modem by f.ex. minicom and test that it talks with AT commands.
Now I need to get a kind of dealer and to make right configurations on other files.
The last part is totally unknown to me except an older post mentioned in this discussion before.
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 20:12
by innosia
Hi janeks..
After researching more about that, I have actually found out another solution which is to use mobile broadband router. I have bought that router with brand Tp-link tl-MR3420, I have checked it, and it seems to support Huawei E1752 too, however in my case, it says support ZTE MF626 and after I plugin my modem it doesn't support, then I contact the support and they send me a debug version firmwire, and I upgrade it and it works.
You can try to use such router too, I think it will be great as because it has LAN port and WIFI, you can add more device if you want, and it come with cheap price too, in my case I bought it for 65 Singapore Dollar, which is quite equivalent to 49.8471 USD. Come with cheap price, however the router is quite hot too after working about 2 hours, I don't know whether it is normal?
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 02:26
by janeks
Yes the Tp-link device seems to be very affordable and available in my country too. But in my case I would not like to buy it because for such needs I already have LynkSys WRT54G3G, that I am more using outside home/office, f.ex. coutry side.
The feature that I liked inTp-link - 3G/WAN failover capability. That remainded me to check my Linksys router capabilities and does it have new firmware (as I have it already couple of years). I think it could be configured in the similar way. As I checked firmware I found that it has also SMS capability - f.ex. send some network commands trough SMS (wake on lan, reboot etc.). These I did not observed before.
But if we return to the topic, than I would definitely try to tinker around some dialer program to make Bubba work when I had some time. But my knowledge limit me to a kind of "switch to mobile network" script. But it would be the nice feature of Bubba, that it would have a kind of inbuild script with easy web configuration utility, that would allow such feature like 3G/WAN failover capability.
Re: Is B3 supports internet from 3G?
Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 02:47
by innosia
Hi janex, couldnt agree more.
Hope that bubba has this feature