Due to persistent issues with updating my Bubba|2 I decided to reinstall from scratch with the latest image over the weekend.
The reinstall went well, updating was seemingly flawless, reconfiguring however was not directly obvious.
In my network, Bubba|2's WAN is connected directly to the modem, the LAN side to the switch and the rest of the network.
I am not using the modem as the DHCP for the rest of the network, but rather the DHCP server residing on a wireless access point.
Bubba|2's new web interface seems to think that the access point is the gateway, however, and wants to always automatically configure for this without allowing the user to change this behaviour.
Disconnecting the LAN side and reconfiguring the interfaces somehow makes it think the gateway for the network is "", and when reconnecting the LAN Bubba|2 starts to work a little better, but not completely.
The new 'black and white' web interface tries to be helpful and locks the user out of the ability to fully configure the network for static IP usage, by blocking editing of the WAN gateway and DNS addresses (greyed out).
This happens when user has chosen for Bubba|2 to enact the 'server only' profile during first-time setup.
This issue (for me) causes Bubba|2 to be unable to resolve addresses on the Internet, it also causes Samba to be unreachable on the LAN, and Apache refusing to respond on WAN outside my home.
As the cabling for my current setup isn't likely to be changed any time soon, and because it used to work before reinstalling; I went ahead and:
Edited two files over SSH:
/etc/network/interfaces - the Gateway section for eth0 was apparently saved as "...", which is incorrect. (in my case).
/etc/hosts - There are two entries for 'bubba.localdomain bubba' with the same IP which is also incorrect. (in my case).
After editing and one reboot, Bubba|2 can now resolve again, is properly responding on WAN, and Samba is operational on LAN again.
Just thought i'd share.
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