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Blocking access from WAN for certain Bubba users

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 07:13
by dan_bub
I am using B2.0.4.1 in "Automatic network settings"-mode. Bubba is sitting behind a linksys dd-wrtv24 router and collects pop3 mail from different accouts. Works great. Having port 443 forwarded to Bubba's lan-ip, I can easily reach Bubba from WAN.
Now, I would like to have some Bubba users to only have access from LAN (getting mail Bubba has collected, share files and printer etc.) but not from WAN. I am asking, because when port 443 is open, all Bubba users can connect from WAN to their account. Is it possible to implement restriction on that?

Re: Blocking access from WAN for certain Bubba users

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 15:19
by dan_bub
I found something using iptables blocking outbound traffic: ... ables.html

If I turn it into:

Code: Select all

iptables -A  INPUT -m owner --uid-owner 1004 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DROP
would that work? Don't want to turn my router into a brick. Could anyone point me in the right direction as to how I might go about this?