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How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 10:08
by CrazyBubbaUser
I would like to install Midnight Commander on my Bubba Two server.

I have been able to download the package but when I try to compile it I get an error message that no compiler available?

Re: How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 10:19
by fangsu
By accident I found this link: ... nfer_speed

I updated sources.list, followed the rest of the instructions and Midnight Commander was installed in no time. The Only problem I still have is that I don't know how to operate MC since I can only use the cursor, tab and enter key.

Re: How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 11:02
by CrazyBubbaUser
Ok great!

So is it the line "deb marielle main" in the file /etc/apt/sources.list that should be replaced with deb sarge main or shall I just add that path to that file?

I just added the line and then ran:

apt-get update

and then

apt-get install mc

After that I was able to start MC just by entering mc at the command prompt. Cool!

Re: How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 11:12
by CrazyBubbaUser
I realised now that the swedish characters åäö does not work in MC eventhough I have been able to get them to work in the same Putty-window from where I start MC... Any ideas?

Strange, I restarted MC and now it works with åäö in MC too...

Re: How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 05:37
by fangsu
Probably a very stupid question, but I have no idea how to trigger the functions at the bottom of the MC-screen, like for example '5 copy ; 10 quit'
Can you or somebody give me a hint? Thanks

Re: How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 05:58
by CrazyBubbaUser
I just press F5, F10 and so on and it performs the commands...

I can even use the cursor of the mouse and click on the commands and menus.

He, he... This gives me "flashbacks" of the 80ies when I was using Norton Commander in DOS... :lol:

Re: How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 16:58
by fangsu
I reconfigured my function keys (iMac). It works.

Re: How to install Midnight Commander on Bubba Two?

Posted: 26 Sep 2010, 11:19
by GNOE Inc..
CrazyBubbaUser wrote:He, he... This gives me "flashbacks" of the 80ies when I was using Norton Commander in DOS... :lol:
:lol: That's called progress... :roll: