Cant Expand External USB Disk BubbaTwo 2.0.2
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 13:57
Hey Guys I have just updated my Bubba 2 to the latest Version - BubbaTwo 2.0.2 and I Cannot Extend my USB Western Digital 1TB External Drive
I can format it and connect it no problems but it does not show up with the added New Drive size it just sees the 250gb Harddrive actually installed inside the bubba.
Any solution ideas out there.
The old bubba worked fine expanded the drive to 1.250 tb size

I can format it and connect it no problems but it does not show up with the added New Drive size it just sees the 250gb Harddrive actually installed inside the bubba.
Any solution ideas out there.
The old bubba worked fine expanded the drive to 1.250 tb size