Bubba home video/audio server solutions
Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 09:33
I bought Bubba for backup and am slowly putting it to that and more uses. I would like to be able to use it to store video, audio, photo etc files to be accessed via TV and/or HiFi, and the solution seems to be to have a second device that can see Bubba's file system.
Question is: what are the options for the device and connecting to Bubba. I have Bubba|2 WiFi, so my connection options are:
- LAN (RJ45)
So what suggestions/set-ups do you have for a devices that link to Bubba and allow us to access stored media on TV and HiFi?
It would be great to compile a list of options (device, connection method, funcitonality availlable, UI/control method(s)). This would be a great resource, and a great way to sell more Bubbas! So I would like to invite Excito to support compilation of a list, perhaps as part of the Wiki. I have limited time to do this myself, but am happy to collect people's posts together into a summary page and update it on the Wiki from time to time.
Please post your suggestions here, and we can work out what to do with them later.
I suggest the following fields (example values included, the model numbers are made up!)
Short Name: TV & Audio using spare Laptop
Short Description:
I have (not really - this is an example) a T41 ThinkPad Windows laptop, connected to my TV and HiFi, and linked to Bubba via USB. Video is taken from an S-Video output direct to the phono TV input, and sound from the laptop audio out plugs into the HiFi.
Player Hardware: Sony CDE45 TV, Sony R345 HiFi
Intermediate Hardware: ThinkPad T41 Laptop (Windows XP SP3)
Bubba Hardware: Bubba|2 WiFi
Video Connection: Laptop S-Video out
Audio Connection: Laptop audio out
Bubba Connection: USB
Functionality: Plays Bubba video/audio files through TV, audio files through HiFi
User Interface: Any TV/audio playing software on the laptop. I use blah blah.
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I bought Bubba for backup and am slowly putting it to that and more uses. I would like to be able to use it to store video, audio, photo etc files to be accessed via TV and/or HiFi, and the solution seems to be to have a second device that can see Bubba's file system.
Question is: what are the options for the device and connecting to Bubba. I have Bubba|2 WiFi, so my connection options are:
- LAN (RJ45)
So what suggestions/set-ups do you have for a devices that link to Bubba and allow us to access stored media on TV and HiFi?
It would be great to compile a list of options (device, connection method, funcitonality availlable, UI/control method(s)). This would be a great resource, and a great way to sell more Bubbas! So I would like to invite Excito to support compilation of a list, perhaps as part of the Wiki. I have limited time to do this myself, but am happy to collect people's posts together into a summary page and update it on the Wiki from time to time.
Please post your suggestions here, and we can work out what to do with them later.
I suggest the following fields (example values included, the model numbers are made up!)
Short Name: TV & Audio using spare Laptop
Short Description:
I have (not really - this is an example) a T41 ThinkPad Windows laptop, connected to my TV and HiFi, and linked to Bubba via USB. Video is taken from an S-Video output direct to the phono TV input, and sound from the laptop audio out plugs into the HiFi.
Player Hardware: Sony CDE45 TV, Sony R345 HiFi
Intermediate Hardware: ThinkPad T41 Laptop (Windows XP SP3)
Bubba Hardware: Bubba|2 WiFi
Video Connection: Laptop S-Video out
Audio Connection: Laptop audio out
Bubba Connection: USB
Functionality: Plays Bubba video/audio files through TV, audio files through HiFi
User Interface: Any TV/audio playing software on the laptop. I use blah blah.
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Code: Select all
Short Name:
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Player Hardware:
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Audio Connection:
Bubba Connection:
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