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Fireplay not displaying any files

Posted: 07 May 2010, 06:59
by raymond

I am trying to get Fireplay to work.
All services are on and as told in the manual the mp3 files are in /home/storage/music/

still, when I start fireplay there are no files to play, the library is empty. and suggestions?

Re: Fireplay not displaying any files

Posted: 07 May 2010, 08:21
by RandomUsername
What are the permissions on the music folder? Are you able to test the mt-daapd/firefly server in a music player?

Re: Fireplay not displaying any files

Posted: 07 May 2010, 09:26
by raymond
cannot see the permissions from here (outside LAN) because cannot get shell-connection.
everything is still default, didn't change a lot to permissions.

will check within 4 hrs.

Re: Fireplay not displaying any files

Posted: 07 May 2010, 09:30
by raymond
btw, when using the filemanager everything looks like read/write

Re: Fireplay not displaying any files

Posted: 07 May 2010, 14:55
by Binkem
If you browse to http://bubba:3689/ you should get the firefly webpage. This shows you how many music files it has indexed. If this is none the firefly service may be unable to read your files. Mine can only read some files after I set the file permissions for music to
chmod -R 777

Re: Fireplay not displaying any files

Posted: 08 May 2010, 07:22
by raymond
Martijn, thanks for this (bedankt).
it is working now. However, I feel that this the result of another action: at services I had UPNP and DAAP streaming on, Squeezebox was switched off.
well, yesterday I became a lucky owner of a squeezebox, so switch that to ON too.
this also made it happen that Fireplay was showing the files!

case closed.