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Thermal images of Bubba and Bubba2

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 07:50
by mountaindude
Rented a thermal camera the other weekend to find out where the house is leaking heat, took the opportunity to also do a thermal scan of the server cabinet...
Pictures found at ... 293209019/
The numbers on the pictures are the temperature in degrees Celcius.

Interesting to see also how warm the small FON router is, all the way out to the antenna.


Re: Thermal images of Bubba and Bubba2

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 18:18
by zander
may i link to these images on my blog?

Re: Thermal images of Bubba and Bubba2

Posted: 09 Mar 2010, 08:30
by novis
Good pics. Heat seems to be distributed pretty evenly..