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Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:14
by Kamiel
Bubba server is a great little machine and I'm very happy with it. I'm however a professional designer and I found the user interface sometimes a little to confusing and much to cluttered for my tastes. That's why I set out improving the interface. It's however gotten a little out of hand and I ended up doing a complete redesign, including a set of custom icons.
I've started out with the sections I use the most some of which you can see in the screenshots below. I've had the startpage, downloadmanager and filemanager working nicely but after a recent upgrade to 1.2.4 I'm going to need to redo some of that work.
I was hoping to only having to create a custom view, which would be easily distributable, but that wasn't possible. I've also had to slightly modify some of the controllers to get it working like I wanted to.
I'm curious what you guys think about my design.

- Homepage as seen after login
- bubba_home.png (59.87 KiB) Viewed 27715 times

- Bubba download manager
- bubba_downloads.png (50.87 KiB) Viewed 27715 times

- Form for adding new mail accounts
- bubba_new_mail_account.png (43.08 KiB) Viewed 27715 times
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:23
by Kamiel
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 05:22
by Eek
looks great!
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 15:20
by HeSitated
One word? Wow?

Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 15:38
by RandomUsername
Yeah, it looks fantastic.
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 12 Dec 2009, 07:09
by pcrene
You did a great job, design is great.
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 07:43
by asparak
Looks awesome. Can we get a patch please?
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 15 Dec 2009, 07:13
by jobbe
Looks great. Look forward to see this implemented in a future build.

Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 04:50
by pcrene
can you post this new interface to the guys of bubba?
would love to see this in the future updates....
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 12:01
by jonte
I can only agree with the above comments.
Great job
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 19 Dec 2009, 18:34
by lelle
Nice, really nice

Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 21 Dec 2009, 11:51
by tor
Hi all,
We at Excito also would like to, officially, say that we are impressed by the work of Kamiel. We really appreciate when our users tweak or uses Bubba in an unusual way. And in this case we have contacted Kamiel to see if we can cooperate in some way to get this usable by you other people.
Once again, Nice work.
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 07 Jan 2010, 02:18
by mike_nl
Hello guys from excito,
don't wait to long to publish that interface. I am a designer too and i must say.. dam good work Kamiel.
I had started up my own re-design too around x-mas, but when i see that. Kamiel have done nearly the same things, so i stop with my work today. There is no need to find out the wheel two times.
Kamiel, great work brother. I will provide this to all my bubba friends, and that are many here in the netherlands.
Re: Trying to improve the Bubba interface
Posted: 02 Feb 2010, 06:26
by raymond
okay, nothing to add, but could not resist to say.....WAUW!
really want this, great design, and still got the feeling with functionality. not only pretty, but still functional!
is there an ETA on this?