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Squeezbox-problem with WAV-files after 7.4.1 upgrade

Posted: 29 Nov 2009, 23:28
by hmattsso
After that I upgraded my Bubba2 to squeezeboxserver 7.4.1 it has not been possible to listen to neither WAV nor MP4 files. When trying to listen to them from my Squeezebox Duet via the bubba I get an errormessage saying that the file cannot be opened. Before the upgrade I had no problem listening to those now failing files. Both MP3- and FLAC-files though still works fine also after the upgrade. I have also tried to mount my bubba music library using Samba on my Windows Vista PC and then running squeezeboxserver 7.4.1 from there and then everything including WAV and MP4 worked perfectly well. So there must be something wrong with the bubba 7.4.1 installation bit I have no clue what...

Since the vast majority of my music-files are stored as WAV only I would really appreciate any help or thoughts on what the problem could be.
