My Bubba2 - new install - new user
Posted: 25 Sep 2009, 06:32
Hi All, I thought I'd post this as a new Bubba2 user. I'm just coming to end of my second week as a user and on the whole I'm very impressed. So, I'd planned to put more detail into this but I've just not had time.
1: Monday, day 1. Bubba2 arrived, openned the small box, found lots of white bits, and smaller box. Openned small box and inside it one Bubba2 ... it is tiny. Mine is a 1TB box. I had what seems to be the normal problem ... missing parts ... the rubber feet. After a good hunt around they'd fallen out on floor. I only had a couple of hours in evening, so powered it on, signed on, created myself a userid, renamed it from Bubba2 (or whatever) to storm (all my PCs have had snow white and the seven dwarfs names until now but the kids have grown up so time for an upgrade of names!) All went perfect first go. Ran update as recommended, it seemed to go just fine. Changed IP address from dynamic to static (My router and server are static everything else dynamic).
2: Tuesday evening, copied all my mp3s to recommended location. Went to menu and enabled Squeezecenter, up and running fine, did couple of shutdown and boots to check it started automatically.. yes. Went off and conifigured four Squeezeboxes and all worked fine.
3: Wednesday evening, configured my two Slimp3s, this was more time consuming as I had to reflash the firmware. But they were also fine.
That was it for week 1 as I had no time over weekend to do anything, and having music working kept other family members happy.
4: Monday (week2) Copied all my photos to appropriate place and configured the photo application ... worked great. Created a common in storage and moved all common data there. common is where we as a family store all our shared data that is not music and is not photos.
5: Tuesday, configured three windows machines to mount cifs shares for photos, mp3s and common, took five minutes per machine.
6: Thursday, ssh into storm ... tried a few commands (see below).
Friday, today, not at work today want to do the following but trying to find best way:
1: Serve photo, music and common so automounted on Linux machines like happening with Windows, not clear best way to do this.
2: load a video and test
3: connect my weather station and get working. Need to fathom out how to install 'other non-Debian software'
Concerns and observations:
1: it truely is tiny ... need a kensington lock.
2: Squeezecenter concerns me, from command line I did top and it is using 35% - 40% cpu all the time. Cany one of the other users comment, is this reasonable? Today I'll track it with 2, 3 and 4 players running
3: So far, all in all, I really like it.
1: Monday, day 1. Bubba2 arrived, openned the small box, found lots of white bits, and smaller box. Openned small box and inside it one Bubba2 ... it is tiny. Mine is a 1TB box. I had what seems to be the normal problem ... missing parts ... the rubber feet. After a good hunt around they'd fallen out on floor. I only had a couple of hours in evening, so powered it on, signed on, created myself a userid, renamed it from Bubba2 (or whatever) to storm (all my PCs have had snow white and the seven dwarfs names until now but the kids have grown up so time for an upgrade of names!) All went perfect first go. Ran update as recommended, it seemed to go just fine. Changed IP address from dynamic to static (My router and server are static everything else dynamic).
2: Tuesday evening, copied all my mp3s to recommended location. Went to menu and enabled Squeezecenter, up and running fine, did couple of shutdown and boots to check it started automatically.. yes. Went off and conifigured four Squeezeboxes and all worked fine.
3: Wednesday evening, configured my two Slimp3s, this was more time consuming as I had to reflash the firmware. But they were also fine.
That was it for week 1 as I had no time over weekend to do anything, and having music working kept other family members happy.
4: Monday (week2) Copied all my photos to appropriate place and configured the photo application ... worked great. Created a common in storage and moved all common data there. common is where we as a family store all our shared data that is not music and is not photos.
5: Tuesday, configured three windows machines to mount cifs shares for photos, mp3s and common, took five minutes per machine.
6: Thursday, ssh into storm ... tried a few commands (see below).
Friday, today, not at work today want to do the following but trying to find best way:
1: Serve photo, music and common so automounted on Linux machines like happening with Windows, not clear best way to do this.
2: load a video and test
3: connect my weather station and get working. Need to fathom out how to install 'other non-Debian software'
Concerns and observations:
1: it truely is tiny ... need a kensington lock.
2: Squeezecenter concerns me, from command line I did top and it is using 35% - 40% cpu all the time. Cany one of the other users comment, is this reasonable? Today I'll track it with 2, 3 and 4 players running
3: So far, all in all, I really like it.