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DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 12:30
by MartinHageras

I have just bought a Samsung B650 HDTV, which has DLNA-support.
I have not been able to play anything from the mediatomb on Bubba though.
I can access the media server from the tv, and it lists all the movies and images. It won't play any media though. Anything I try to play gives the message "Incorrect format". Even jpegs and mp3s.

I've tried playing the same videos from a USB-stick and it works fine.

Has anyone else got mediatomb working with a Samsung TV?

Grateful for any advice!

Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 04:20
by MagnusJonsson

I tried for a little while but when I realized that Samsung won't play streamed HD media I bought a Popcorn Hour instead. It works well, but I had to switch off Media Tomb since it could upset the Popcorn.


Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 15:48
by MartinHageras
I found a solution that solves some of the problem: ... ung-7.html

With the config-changes in the artice above I can watch AVI:s and JPEG:s from my bubba :) Mp3's stil don't work, but that doesn't really matter to me.

Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 06:23
by MartinHageras

After updating the TV firmware I can now play Mp3's too!
There are still some problems with different AVIs though. I get an "audio format error" for some files.

Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 03:46
by kfudd
I have a Samsung LE32B650 model with DLNA.

It took me some time, but it got Mediatomb to work correctly with the TV. I can even stream 1080p videos to the TV providing the audio codec is not DTS. You need to manually configure your Mediatomb configuration file to make it work properly.

Let me know if you are interested in the details.

Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 07:29
by MagnusJonsson

That sounds very neat. I'd really like to see how that is done, but keep your instructions on a basic level since I'm not fully fluent in Linux.
(Darn, but it sounds as if I bought a Popcorn Hour in vain, but hey that is life)


Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 15:31
by kfudd

Here is the contents of my MediaTomb 'config.xml' file that works well with my Samsung LE32B650 TV:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


    	<ui enabled="yes">
      	    <accounts enabled="no" session-timeout="30">
            	<account user="mediatomb" password="mediatomb"/>

            <mysql enabled="yes">

        <protocolInfo extend="yes"/><!-- For PS3 support change to "yes" -->

            <!-- Samsung needs it --> 
            <add header=" Streaming"/> 
            <add header=" DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01500000000000000000000000000000"/> 

<!--    <extended-runtime-options>
   	<ffmpegthumbnailer enabled="yes">
	<mark-played-items enabled="no" suppress-cds-updates="yes">
		<string mode="prepend">*</string>
    </extended-runtime-options> -->


    <import hidden-files="no">
	<scripting script-charset="UTF-8">
  	    <virtual-layout type="builtin">
    	    <extension-mimetype ignore-unknown="no"> 
		<map from="mp3" to="audio/mpeg"/>
		<map from="ogg" to="application/ogg"/>
		<map from="asf" to="video/x-ms-asf"/> 
		<map from="asx" to="video/x-ms-asf"/>   
		<map from="wma" to="audio/x-ms-wma"/>   
		<map from="wax" to="audio/x-ms-wax"/>  
		<map from="wmv" to="video/x-ms-wmv"/> 
		<map from="wvx" to="video/x-ms-wvx"/> 
		<map from="wm" to="video/x-ms-wm"/>
		<map from="wmx" to="video/x-ms-wmx"/>
		<map from="m3u" to="audio/x-mpegurl"/>  
		<map from="pls" to="audio/x-scpls"/> 
		<map from="flv" to="video/x-flv"/> 
		<map from="avi" to="video/x-avi"/> 
		<map from="vob" to="video/x-vob"/>
		<map from="mkv" to="video/x-mkv"/>
		<map from="audio/*" to="object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"/>
		<map from="video/*" to="object.item.videoItem"/> 
		<map from="image/*" to="object.item.imageItem"/>   

		<treat mimetype="audio/mpeg" as="mp3"/> 
		<treat mimetype="application/ogg" as="ogg"/>  
		<treat mimetype="audio/x-flac" as="flac"/>
		<treat mimetype="image/jpeg" as="jpg"/>
		<treat mimetype="audio/x-mpegurl" as="playlist"/>
		<treat mimetype="audio/x-scpls" as="playlist"/> 
		<treat mimetype="audio/x-wav" as="pcm"/>
		<treat mimetype="audio/L16" as="pcm"/>
		<treat mimetype="video/x-msvideo" as="avi"/>
		<treat mimetype="video/x-divx" as="avi"/> 
		<treat mimetype="video/mp4" as="mp4"/> 
		<treat mimetype="video/x-vob" as="avi"/>
		<treat mimetype="video/x-matroska" as="mkv"/>

    <transcoding enabled="no"/>


You have to back up you old config.xml file in /etc/mediatomb and copy this configuration over it.

Let me know if you need some help with the Linux stuff. ;)

SONY Bravia

Posted: 28 Sep 2009, 13:14
by pcrene
anyone some experience with Sony Bravia with network capability?

DLNA bubba2 to be seen, even my laptop is not seen.


Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 11:23
by d94ka
I have a Samsung B650 TV as well but gave up on Mediatomb after a while (I got it to work somewhat OK, but I didn't like it much). I have had more success with Minidlna ( It compiles without problems on Bubba and works with Samsung TV's without modifications.

There is a modified version of Minidlna that supposedly can stream subtitles the way a Samsung TV wants at ... ;a=summary but I haven't got that to work, unfortunately.

Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 12:28
by pcrene

Love to try it as soon as the second B2 has arrived, i use it as full backup and to experiment with.

Is there a howto? I am not a newbe on linux but this kind of install is new to me


Re: DLNA to Samsung HDTV

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 10:05
by mema1540
Got MP3 playing on Samsung Series 6 TV (LE32B655) working thanks to kfudd's instruction (see above).
kfudd wrote:
Here is the contents of my MediaTomb 'config.xml' file that works well with my Samsung LE32B650 TV:


You have to back up you old config.xml file in /etc/mediatomb and copy this configuration over it.
Here is what I did step by step:

Login to B3 using ssh.
Login as root
Change to /etc/mediatomb/
Make backup of config.xml.
Compare config.xml with kfudd's config.xml - and identified what to change.

Edit the /etc/mediatomb/config.xmf using nano. After

Code: Select all

<protocolInfo extend="yes"/><!-- For PS3 support change to "yes" -->
add these lines:

Code: Select all

            <!-- Samsung needs it --> 
            <add header=" Streaming"/> 
            <add header=" DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01500000000000000000000000000000"/> 
Save file, log out.

Restart streaming services: From B3 web interface as admin: settings > services > streaming. Set all to off. Click on Update. Set all streaming back to on. (Not the most clever way to do it: most likely it can be done from the command line restarting the services.)

It worked - the Samsung TV now can play MP3's from the B3 :-)