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Hot to set eth0 to 10Mbits?

Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 13:52
by dsp76
while I read, that some user was able to improve network speed by actually lowering the speed of the ethernet adapter... How can I set the adapter to 10 Mbit instead of auto-sensing 100Mbit?
Currently I can only achieve around 800KB per second across different protocols (tried sftp and smb)...
I can only give it a try.

Re: Hot to set eth0 to 10Mbits?

Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 14:05
by dsp76
Just tried again with "Windows Network" - so Samba? - from my Ubuntu to Bubba.
Its now 3,2 MB/sec. ...

Strange, native linux protocols seem to be slower than a windows protocol between 2 linux boxes :roll: