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portforwarding bittorrent on Bubba????
Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 16:00
by johnberg
Dear people,
Downloading bittorrent files on my bubba is 10 to 20 times slower the on my desktop PC with Utorrent 1.8.2
The port of Utorrent is forwarded in my adsl-modem.
Only with ideal (mostly music) torrents the Bubba gains 400 KB/s
Some identic torrents run on my PC with 600 KB/s while the Bubba only gets 10 KB/s.
I bought my Bubba for energy-save download, but when it needs 48 hours for one single movie I better forget this.
I have the 0.52.2-1 software on the Bubba.
Allthough the user manual says that there is no need for portforwarding, I am thinking that the bittorrent traffic is seriously limited by the firewall in the adsl-modem (Zyxel P-2602H-D1A)
Now the question: Does anybody know what the number of the port for incoming connections of the bittorrent-client in the bubba is ???
I tried every port on page 33 en 34 of the userguide to forward allready but without succes.
Does anybody have a good idea to run up the downloadspeed
Thanks a lot
Greetings Johnberg
Re: portforwarding bittorrent on Bubba????
Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 07:55
by Adross
Ok, two things
Firstly, have you enabled the ports in bubba? This involves going into network/firewall and opening ports for the torrent downloader.
Secondly, have you forwarded these specific ports to bubba box? This really shouldn't be nessecary though.
Lastly, if I may ask, are you using a block list of any sort? If so, what type?
Re: portforwarding bittorrent on Bubba????
Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 05:48
by johnberg
Adross wrote:Ok, two things
Firstly, have you enabled the ports in bubba? This involves going into network/firewall and opening ports for the torrent downloader.
Secondly, have you forwarded these specific ports to bubba box? This really shouldn't be nessecary though.
Lastly, if I may ask, are you using a block list of any sort? If so, what type?
Dear Adross
What do you mean with "enable the ports in bubba" if you mean "services", yes I enabled everything. I can't find so much settings in the bubba.
I have a static ip-adress in the bubba and to this adress I forwarded the ports: 20,21,22,25,80,143,443 and 993 in my adsl-modem, but this does not make any difference in the downloadspeed and connectivity of the bittorrentclient in my bubba. I can reach bubba from outside now.
How can I forward same you speak "these specific ports" in my adsl-modem??
What you mean by "blocklist of any sort"??
I just copy the shortcut of the torrent, paste it in the window of the downloadmanager and click "add"
thank you for reply!
Re: portforwarding bittorrent on Bubba????
Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 09:26
by tor
Hi Johnberg,
Try forward the ports 10000-13999 from your router to Bubba|Server. This is the interval in which the torrent downloader works. (It actually most likely only uses 2-3 of the first ones but is allowed to use the range mentioned)
Re: portforwarding bittorrent on Bubba????
Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 18:33
by johnberg
tor wrote:Hi Johnberg,
Try forward the ports 10000-13999 from your router to Bubba|Server. This is the interval in which the torrent downloader works. (It actually most likely only uses 2-3 of the first ones but is allowed to use the range mentioned)
Hi Tor
I did forward the ports you gave me

I could not believe my eyes!
That very slow torrent rises from 5 KB/S to 400 KB/s
Everything is working fine now, almost the same as my favorite Utorrent 1.8.2
It seems that the total downloadspeed is limited to 450 KB/s (is -1 in traffic), I have 700 KB internet, but that does not matter for a 24/7 downloader.
I don't understand why Excito writes in the user manual: "You don't need to open any ports in your firewall when using the downloadmanager", as you see it is really necesarry.
Thanks a lot!!
Re: portforwarding bittorrent on Bubba????
Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 03:34
by tor
Hi Jonhberg,
It seems like this is a mistake in the Bubba|Server manual. In Bubba|TWO manual we say:
Currently the download manager support the standards HTTP, FTP and bittorrent downloads. You don't need to open any ports in your firewall when using the download manager, but for torrent downloads it is recommended to open the ports 10000-14000 under "Integrated Bubba services" in section Network->Firewall.
I will see if i can get an update to the Bubba|Server manual.
Re: portforwarding bittorrent on Bubba????
Posted: 10 Dec 2010, 05:42
by Russell Barnes
Hi, I'm also struggling with unusually slow bittorrent speeds on my B3 (compared to speeds with the same torrent on my PC). I've forwarded the mentioned ports from my router to my B3, but it's made no difference.
The problem is, I'm unable to forward the ports in the Network>Firewall section of the B3 web-panel since I'm only using the B3 in server mode (I have cable coming through an integrated router).
Is there anything else I can try to improve my bittorrent performance beyond forwarding the ports on my router?