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firefly config empty
Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 17:03
by squadra
Hi, suddenly firefly isn't in my itunes library anymore. I tried to install squezecenter but can't connect either. On
http://bubba:3689/config.html it shows a blank page. Does anyone know how to get firefly working again? I recently did an total new update to try it again but my lack of unix knowledge is giving me the feeling of a complete black box again and again...
Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 04:06
by carl
This issue is in two parts, so I'll answer on ewach of the issue;
For the issue with the empty config page, I can confirm this issue, I have digged through the code and found that the xml-rpc system seems to work (it sends out config data). As I havn't tested the firefly config panel before I'm not certain if it has ever worked, according to the changelog, there hasn't been any direct work there in the intermediate versions since the last release (-1.3); Though during my testing I accidentally found an other bug, which I have reported upstream debian, which, if you reload (Ctrl-R for example) the config page (perhaps any other page), the daemon will die due to broken pipe, have reported it at FYI.
On the other issue, it is related to a multicast route, and we are testing a way to resolve that as we speek now.
/Carl Fürstenberg
Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 05:20
by bervan
I think I have the same issue here: after the upgrade to 1.1.2 the Firefly config page is also empty but worse, the iTunes steaming stops after a while (10 minutes or so) and iTunes doesn't discover the B2 anymore, though the deamon is running and I can connect to the Firefly admin page (but the config page is empty). The service reappears after the mtaapd deamon is restarted.
Some help would be appreciated.
Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 11:30
by carl
bervan wrote:I think I have the same issue here: after the upgrade to 1.1.2 the Firefly config page is also empty but worse, the iTunes steaming stops after a while (10 minutes or so) and iTunes doesn't discover the B2 anymore, though the deamon is running and I can connect to the Firefly admin page (but the config page is empty). The service reappears after the mtaapd deamon is restarted.
Some help would be appreciated.
That is an error related to an inactivation of multicast adresses; we will release an fix for that issue soon.
Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 10:18
by Binkem
So is there a way of getting the config-page back?
The same
Posted: 01 Mar 2009, 07:09
by janeks
The same problem for me!
I used succesfuly this service before in Linux music player - Rhythmbox 0.11.5.
Now I can't to do so and config page empty.
Looking forward for a fix,
Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 13:38
by davidI
I don't know if your problem is related, but I found that the config file that saves the settings of the firefly config page had the wrong ownership settings
my settings are now:
Code: Select all
# ls -l /etc/mt-daapd.conf
-rw------- 1 mt-daapd root 8137 2009-03-08 16:18 /etc/mt-daapd.conf
and the config page is present and updateable
Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 15:46
by Binkem
My settings were and are:
#:~$ ls -l /etc/mt-daapd.conf
-rw------- 1 mt-daapd root 8103 2009-02-24 20:49 /etc/mt-daapd.conf
And there's no config page.
Posted: 08 Mar 2009, 16:38
by janeks
I allready have the same ownership settings for that file, but I still cannot access settings in web interface.
Code: Select all
ls -l /etc/mt-daapd.conf
-rw------- 1 mt-daapd root 8117 2009-03-08 21:41 /etc/mt-daapd.conf
But tinkering around that file I got the idea to remove my password for streaming clients - that one that is after scan_type value in md_daapd.conf file.
Strange is that my Rhytmbox music player asked for that password before and I was able to enter them. After upadate I cannot connect to Bubba from Rhytmox. But now when I removed that password I can again.
So I am now unshure that it is problem on Bubba's side.
But still the first problem remains.
Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 03:11
by bervan
is there any update on this issue? Would be nice to use the Bubba as a iTunes server as what it is supposed to do.
Re: firefly config empty
Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 15:21
by Rob Groen
I can conform the idea from
janeks about the Music Password. As soon as I filled in a password, restart the server and load the config-page in the browser all variables are empty.
You can solve this temporarily by manual edit the config file located at /etc/mt-daapd.conf You have do become root to edit this file.
Open a terminal:
become super user by typing
Edit the file with a editor like gedit
Save the file, and restart the server
I an wondering why this bus is still not fixed. This issue is about 2 year old now.