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IMAP not working

Posted: 22 Jan 2009, 15:31
by billdbr

My servername is zefod.
on horde (pim) i can login with my zefod username and password. In can read my mail alright.

now I try to read my mail with IMAP (Same user and password) I get:

"The server failed the authenticity check (zefod).
The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted."

(thunderbird complains that the certificate belongs to bubba.local)

I'm totally confused here

any imap/dovecot experts out there?

Posted: 22 Jan 2009, 23:31
by ahoff

Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 15:17
by billdbr
I followed the above link, so I
First removed the old certificate:

zefod:/home/bill# find /etc/ssl -name dovecot.* -exec rm {} \;

then I tried to create a new one:

zefod:/home/bill# dpkg -reconfigure dovecot -common
dpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)

Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];
Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;
Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;
Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;
Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].
Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !

What is wrong with te command?

Gr Leo

Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 15:47
by 6feet5

You've added an extra space in your command line, try 'dpkg-reconfigure' instead of 'dpkg -reconfigure'.


Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 16:15
by billdbr
Thank you Johan,

I removed both spaces before the - signs and now

now hoping that my imap problems are solved.


Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 16:52
by max
What if you have multiple domains?

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 04:46
by billdbr
Imap now working.

I can receive mail with kmail on my laptop and via outlook express on windows XP on another laptop.
I can send mail with kmail an with outlook express.
for sending i use the smtp server of my ISP.
The smtp server of the ISP does not require username and password.

Now: whenn I use pim, (login as bill, my username on bubba), reading mail is ok.
When I try to send mail I get the error:

Validation failed for: bill@

(when I compose the mail the line From: is filled in
with: bill@ (Default Identity). The little down arrow
does not give other identities.

I have 4 mail accounts but in the compose window I cannot change the identity

Is there a way to get to the other identities?
I think it's there where the problem is.


Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 14:22
by Binkem
In pim go to
options > global options > personal information

there you may edit your from-adress

(Hope this helps. I had the same problem but i'm not 100% sure this was the solution. It was in the options somewhere though).

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 16:19
by billdbr
Thank you very much Binkem, that did the trick

This forum is very good!
