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Other troubles with ftd

Posted: 06 Mar 2007, 18:25
by bubbalibre
Hi everyone,

I noticed a new strange behaviour. Sometimes, when I stop or cancel a download, ftd process just close.

I thought it was the same problem than before, for the whole interface freezed. But when I wanted to kill ftd, it doesn't even run.

It happened a couple of times since the last upgrade.

Does anyone have the same problem ?

Posted: 07 Mar 2007, 12:20
by TheEagleCD
Odd thing indeed, this just happened to me 5 minutes ago....

I shut down the Bubba because I needed to install a longer network cable. Anyway, after the reboot I re-added a torrent that had been running and now the whole interface froze. I couldn't even get to the web-interface from another computer afterwards

Now I had to do a complete re-boot and everything is working again.

Posted: 07 Mar 2007, 13:15
by bubbalibre
Hi TheEagleCD,

You don't have to reboot ! First check if ftd is still running :

Code: Select all

ps aux | grep ftd
If it's indeed running, kill it :

Code: Select all

killall ftd
At this point the interface should work again. Restart ftd :

Code: Select all

/etc/init.d/ftd start
Enjoy !

Posted: 07 Mar 2007, 14:52
by TheEagleCD
Thanks for the advice! :)

Posted: 06 May 2007, 06:23
by juicer

and thank you for the advice on ftd.

I have to restart ftd quite often. The worst thing about having to restart is that the current downloads won't resume. The only option seems to be to delete the files from the download directory and then re-add the torrent through the GUI. This is annoying, to say the least.

I was hoping that this problem should have been solved in firmware 0.31.4 but ftd still behaves in the same way. Any solutions on this?

Posted: 06 May 2007, 07:03
by bubbalibre
Hi juicer,
juicer wrote:The only option seems to be to delete the files from the download directory and then re-add the torrent through the GUI.
Don't delete the download directory. When you re-add the torrent, ftd (the 'downloader') will analyse what has already been downloaded and then resume it.


Posted: 07 May 2007, 11:09
by juicer
Thanks bubbalibre,

yes, that worked well after a while. There's nothing to indicate that ftd is actually resuming anything when the torrent is re-added so therefore I closed it down prematurely when trying this before. Patience seems to be the key (as so many times before)... :)

Hopefully Excito is working to improve ftd so it won't be necessary to restart very often in the future?


Posted: 07 May 2007, 11:19
by bubbalibre
You could try my tiny little hack. It shows differents colors according to the download's state.

It also can add or restore torrents from a folder. Quite handy after a crash... Read this post for explanations and installation procedure.

Posted: 08 May 2007, 01:33
by tor

Regarding ftd. It is our top priority to get this more stable. The big problem we face is that we have a hard time to reproduce these crashes. So any pointers there are deeply appreciated :)

The next version of ftd will also include resume downloads on restart and the feature to download torrents written to a specific directory.


Posted: 08 May 2007, 02:46
by juicer

great to hear that you are working on this issue, Tor. For me, the ftd crashes have always come when downloading more than one torrent. Sometimes randomly in the middle of downloading and sometimes when one of the torrents was cleared. The downloaded files were for the most part pretty large.

bubbalibre, I've installed your hack and will try it out - thanks!


Posted: 08 May 2007, 07:34
by Clive
tor wrote:Hi,

The next version of ftd will also include resume downloads on restart and the feature to download torrents written to a specific directory.

Great ! For your information, my problems relating to FTD crashes are caused by having an existing torrent file saved in the download directory which is also currently downloading or seeding. When I save a new torrent file into that directory and try to 'Add from directory' then FTD will crash.

My workaround is to make sure that the directory containing the torrents is empty when attempting to add new torrents whilst others are currently downloading.

Posted: 08 May 2007, 07:42
by tor
Hi Clive,

This probably explains why things crash in your case. You can't add the same torrent twice in ftd, its not designed for this. We always make sure when adding a new download that it's not an existing one.This must somehow fail, but i cant really understand why, when using the load from directory hack.


Posted: 08 May 2007, 08:15
by Clive
Hi Tor,

This is something that changed after the last update. Before if I had the directory full of old torrents, added a new one and clicked 'Add from directory' it would briefly display all the duplicate torrents and then remove them leaving only the new ones.

After the update it will now display all the old torrents and then FTD will crash.

No real problem now that I've figured out how to avoid it (ie. make sure to keep my torrent file download directory empty after uploading new torrents.


Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 13:02
by Cros

When I try to do killall ftd the shell reports not finding the application. I can't find it in /bin and I can't install it via apt-get. Where can I get it?


Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 18:00
by bubbalibre
Hi Cros,

ftd is part of the 'bubba' package. It's located in /usr/sbin

Best regards,