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Problem getting NFS server running

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 03:06
by Cohan
I followed the guide from this thread (using etch instead of sarge) to set up a NFS server on my Bubba two, but I can't get it to run. Anyone who can help me out?

Code: Select all

bubba:/home# /etc/init.d/portmap restart
Stopping portmap daemon....
Starting portmap daemon....
bubba:/home# /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
Stopping NFS kernel daemon: mountd nfsd.
Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon....
Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon....
Starting NFS kernel daemon: nfsd.
bubba:/home# /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart
Stopping NFS common utilities: idmapd statd.
Starting NFS common utilities: statd idmapd.
bubba:/home# rpcinfo -p
   program vers proto   port
    100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
    100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
    100024    1   udp  45384  status
    100024    1   tcp  52723  status
It seems like the nfs server never starts.

Re: Problem getting NFS server running

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 05:45
by gb119
Cohan wrote:I followed the guide from this thread (using etch instead of sarge) to set up a NFS server on my Bubba two, but I can't get it to run. Anyone who can help me out?
Your problem is that the Bubba 2 kernel packages don't include the nfsd module. See this thread.

You have three options:

1) Use the user-mod nfs server instead of the kernel-mode server and live with its limitationshere yet...
2) Compile your own nfsd module - instructions are given in the thread I linked to.
3) Wait for the excito folks to get a chance to release the nfsd module in an update - promised but not delivered yet.[/list]