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Copy file more than 4Gb with ssh possible???

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 03:45
by Puma

I tried to copy files via ssh to a mounted usb drive.

It worked well but i discovered it cannot copy files more than exactly 4096 MB!!

I have downloaded a file of 7Gb how can i copy that to an external drive??

I tried to copy it with windows explorer but again the 4Gb limit!!

Please help.


Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 04:02
by fnorlander
How are you copying the files? Using scp?

Do you get any error messages at all?

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 04:10
by Eek
What is the filesystem of USB drive?
FAT32 perhaps?

Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 06:24
by Puma
The USB drive is FAT32

My desktop NTFS with XP pro.

Command in shell used : cp -r location destination

Error message file to large.

copied size is exact 4096 Mb!!!


Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 06:48
by cmcevoy
This is a limitation of FAT32 : you will have to reformat the drive or split the file.
NTFS is (I understand) not a good idea for flash drives as it is a journaled FS and so rewrites the disk more often. ext2 would do and has drivers available for Win XP.
All the best,