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Swedish characters in Putty??

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 09:32
by trencarbe
I copied some files from Windows to my BubbaTwo user share area, that had both swedish characters in file/directory name and inside the files.

Looking with Putty on the swedish named files gives me strange chars...

I want to be able to ssh from outside into BubbaTwo and read/get files, and to look at them at home via user share.

How do I copy files over to BubbaTwo so I preserve the naming of files and directories containing swedish characters??

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 11:00
by squadra
putty: Configuration: Window > translation
received data assumed in latin-1, change into Latin-2

Maybe this helps?

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 03:30
by trencarbe
change to Latin-2, East Europe??

anyway, it didn't work.

All the copied files from windows with swedish chars are messed up...

Other ideas?

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 07:38
by Cohan
Change PuTTY translation to UTF-8. Works for me in Umeå.


UTF-8 works fine

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 12:16
by yooakim
UTF-8 with Putty works fine as well here in Ã…kersberga.

Also, if you only work on Windows it's worth getting Kitty whic is a more updated Putty:


Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 14:32
by trencarbe
I realise that I've been unclear with how I done the copying from Windows to BubbaTwo...

I've copied the windows files to BubbaTwo with WinSCP. WinSCP with 'UTF8 = On' and 'End of Line = CR/LF' for both Windows/Linux'

Original Windows file:
File name:

File content in Notepad:
å ä ö, å ä ö,

å ä ö, å ä ö,

å ä ö...

After that I looked into my mounted Samba share on Windows:
File name:
åäö.txt = OK!

File content in Notepad:
å ä ö, å ä ö,

å ä ö, å ä ö,

å ä ö... = OK!

Next I went to BubbaTwo directly with Putty/Kitty:
Putty/Kitty is set to UTF8 in 'Window/Translation'.
Shell is set first to 'LANG=sv_SE.UTF-8' then to 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8'

file name:
åäö.txt = OK!

File content:
# cat åäö.txt
â–’ â–’ â–’, â–’ â–’ â–’,

â–’ â–’ â–’, â–’ â–’ â–’,

â–’ â–’ â–’... = NOT OK for both locales!

The 'åäö' are messed up inside the file...

so the problem is that either I get good looking file names with 'åäö', and messed up content OR I get the file name messed up but the content looks good considering 'åäö'.

I would like to have good looking content inside Putty as well for the occasions when I ssh into my Bubba, not only from the Windows Samba side...!

Any ideas?

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 14:46
by 6feet5
Are you sure that file is save as UTF-8? It looks like it isn't, judging by the number of characters. Could you post a hexdump on that file?

Code: Select all

hexdump -C "filename"

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 14:53
by trencarbe
here you go:

Code: Select all

hexdump -C åäö.txt
00000000  e5 20 e4 20 f6 2c 20 e5  20 e4 20 f6 2c 20 0d 0a  |. . ., . . ., ..|
00000010  0d 0a e5 20 e4 20 f6 2c  20 e5 20 e4 20 f6 2c 20  |... . ., . . ., |
00000020  0d 0a 0d 0a e5 20 e4 20  f6 2e 2e 2e              |..... . ....|

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:04
by 6feet5
That doesn't look like UTF-8 to me. Is there a choice when you save the file to save it as UTF-8? If I remember correctly, notepad is a bit weird so a freindly advice would be to find a real text editor, not that toy microsoft ship with windows ;-)


Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:15
by trencarbe
hehe, okay... :D

suggestions on Notepad replacement?

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:21
by carl
trencarbe wrote:hehe, okay... :D

suggestions on Notepad replacement?
there is always vim :)

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:25
by trencarbe
or emacs... 8)

What I meant with my previous post is:
"Notepad replacement for Windows environment"...

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:31
by 6feet5
I prefer ViM, but it takes some getting used to (I think it's worth it though).

NotePad++, ConTEXT and PSPad to name a few. I keep hearing about something called Emacs to, but I don't know.... ;-)

Seriously, it's hard to tell, you probably need to try around a bit, see what kind of functions are important to you. But I think as long as you stay clear form notepad, you can't really go wrong.


Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:36
by trencarbe
alright, thanks for all your help!