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Mapping a network folder on Bubba2?
Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 12:19
by trencarbe
Hi again,
Is it possible to map a drive that points to my user folder on Bubba2?
Or is Samba needed?
Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 13:34
by matkr265
How do you mean?
Do you want a network drive in windows to point on your home folder on B2?
B2 comes with samba preinstalled and it's no problem to map a network drive in windows to your home folder on B2.
Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 14:43
by trencarbe
hmmm, haven't succeeded in this... I'm using \\mybbbaddress\username
- what service do I have to activate in admin page?
- can you explain how you do it?
Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 16:00
by johannes
Try \\bubba\home\your_user\, should work out of the box.
Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 16:50
by matkr265
trencarbe wrote:
- can you explain how you do it?
Try this- press the start button and choose run,
enter the first line from the code snippet in the run dialog and press ok,
enter the second line in the black command window that is opened and press enter
Code: Select all
net use k: \\bubba\home\matias mypassword /USER:matias /PERSISTENT:YES
- k <- the drive name I chose, any letter that is not already in use will work
matias <- my username in bubba as well as the name of my home catalogue
mypassword <- the password i use to log in to bubba with my "matias" account
drive mapping in XP
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 10:44
by jobbe
If you know the LAN IP address, the following is always working;
You will be asked for username and password.
Or modify your host file on XP client, typical:
x.x.x.x yourbubbaname
then you can map
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 10:47
by trencarbe
hmmm, I recalled that I'm accessing BubbaTwo from a corporate laptop with its own domain and user logged in.
This could cause my problems?
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 11:11
by Eek
which problem?
did none of the above suggestions work?
they should... no matter if your using a corporate laptop.
the only thing is that some companies use a strict VPN client to login to the corporate LAN, but then you can try it without logging in with the VPN.
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 11:55
by paolol61
well I also notice somethink strange in bubba2 , if I browse my network I can see (UBUNTU 8.04 ) bubba1 server and sftp file transfer on Bubba1 from Bubba1 but nothing from Bubba2, opening the Windows network and then the workgroup correctly show Bubba1 but not the new Bubba2.
I manage to reach him using the IP but this is an indication that something is not set in the right way.

Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 12:47
by Eek
Are both bubba's called bubba?
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 12:50
by johannes
It could be a problem with vista, Paolol, are you on vista? Please report connection problems using vista, we are currently trying to locate this issue.
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 12:59
by trencarbe
Eek: My bubba is called 'bubba' in web admin manager.
I'm on XP Pro.
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 13:18
by Eek
sorry, what i meant was
1. name of bubba1?
2. name of bubba2?
because default they have the same name, so you have to change one of them.
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 13:27
by trencarbe
sorry, I didn't see the question was aimed for paolol61...
What I want to check is what kind of sharing service it is? Is it Samba or something else running on BubbaTwo?
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 13:56
by Eek
Hi trencarbe
It is indeed samba.
but what do you get when you type in
\\<IP bubba>
in windows explorer?