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Torrent trouble

Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 19:45
by abercromby

When trying to download torrents using the web interface, most of the time I get the message:

"Download failed - torrent malformed".

Yet the same files download just fine using BitTorrent on my PC. Anyone have any idea why ftd doesn't like torrents that BitTorrent does and is there an alternative? Or maybe I am doing something wrong?



Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 02:23
by zhaeon
try putting downloaded torrents in /home/username/torrents

Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 03:14
by gusan
zhaeon wrote:try putting downloaded torrents in /home/username/torrents
Do you mean that the actual .torrent -file should be put here, or?

Or is there another way to initiate download(s) (both web & torrents) than adding the location in the Download tab?

Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 09:14
by Cheeseboy
An alternative to using the web interface is to put the .torrent files into the torrents directory. I don't know if this works with other kinds of downloads, but I doubt it.

If you use trackers that require membership, you might face problems because they expect you to be logged in with your browser from the same computer the torrent client is running on.
I have experienced this in the past, and got around it by logging in to the tracker site on Bubba with lynx in a screen session.

lynx is a text-based web browser that you can run on your Bubba, and screen will let your interactive applications continue to run after you disconnect, so you don't have to keep a terminal window open. You can then re-attach to the screen session from a new connection if needed.