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Bubba not responding...!

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 07:09
by martin72h
Added nfs-common and mounted my NAS disk in bubba the other day. I also installed kplaylist and mySQL. Everything was working quite ok (a bit slow, though, but hey - it's a Bubba). I also updated fstab - but did not restart server nor issued mount -a command.

Today Bubba is not responding. It responds to pings but thats all. nmap shows all service ports are open but I am unable to login via SSH or the web page.

What do I do now? I'm reluctant to reboot since my fstab might be malformed... Can I force bubba to reboot without mounting all disks or with a minimum of services running? And what has happened during the night that made it fail...?

Re: Bubba not responding...!

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 09:49
by carl
martin72h wrote:Actions:
Added nfs-common and mounted my NAS disk in bubba the other day. I also installed kplaylist and mySQL. Everything was working quite ok (a bit slow, though, but hey - it's a Bubba). I also updated fstab - but did not restart server nor issued mount -a command.

Today Bubba is not responding. It responds to pings but thats all. nmap shows all service ports are open but I am unable to login via SSH or the web page.

What do I do now? I'm reluctant to reboot since my fstab might be malformed... Can I force bubba to reboot without mounting all disks or with a minimum of services running? And what has happened during the night that made it fail...?
You can access the bubba using the minimal image found at
Just follow the instructions in the README file. From there you can look into the system and hopefully identify what went wrong.


Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:34
by martin72h
Thanks, Carl. I'll give it a try. However, I will have to pull the plug in order to shut it down... It does not repond when I hold down the power button for the five seconds. Also, the green disk LED (visible thru the vents) is blinking as if doing disk access. Front LED is lit in yellow. Responds to ping, but thats all. It's been in this state for at least 24 hours now...

What could be going on? It's been up for a month or so without problems. Is it a scheduled disk check? Is it safe to pull the plug?

/Martin :cry:

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:44
by carl
martin72h wrote:Thanks, Carl. I'll give it a try. However, I will have to pull the plug in order to shut it down... It does not repond when I hold down the power button for the five seconds. Also, the green disk LED (visible thru the vents) is blinking as if doing disk access. Front LED is lit in yellow. Responds to ping, but thats all. It's been in this state for at least 24 hours now...

What could be going on? It's been up for a month or so without problems. Is it a scheduled disk check? Is it safe to pull the plug?

/Martin :cry:
any eventual scheduled disk checks is done while the led is blinking, and only after 30 mounts; Though I say that it is safe to just pull the plug, and boot it using the minimal image.


Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 17:39
by martin72h
Hmm, how long does it take to boot with this minimal image..? I put the image on a Sony memory stick, unplugged the bubbas power, inserted stick, held down power button and reinserted power plug. Now it's been blinking for hours and I still cannot login. It doesn't even respond to ping either. I am using the suggested ip from the readme.

Now, is it safe to pull the plug (again) while the front LED is blinking and try the same procedure again?

I bet this minimal boot will allow me to fix fstab and reboot happily again - if I only could get it to boot from the usb stick....


Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 04:19
by martin72h
Ok, I'm in. Bubba did not like the tiny Sony Micro Vault 4Gb stick. The noname 1Gb (with no other files on than the bubba.img file) worked fine.


Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 15:46
by johannes
Just for reference - the internal GREEN led is network activity. The disk activity led is RED.