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Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 02:54
by Binkem
Congratulations on the new site. The neww Bubba looks good and I certainly like the pricing. Glad to have waited for it. I will surely order one soon.
I really would like to see some more specs though. I've got so many questions...
What disks will be installed? On most server forums there is a bias towards the WD green power HDDs, so I hope they will be available.
Will it support RAID systems? They will surely be installable into the system, but it would ne nice to have raid as an option from the web interface.
Will the optional WLAN work as a client? The competition only works as an access point and this is a drawback to most users.
etc. etc.
Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 03:30
by vakuumbarn
Sure is a beauty!
I am also interested in the WD green power HDD and more specifications!
Hope to order one soon...

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 03:37
by Clive
Looks good ! I am sorely tempted !! Especially as the WLAN can be added on after sale.
Is the Bubba|TWO built in a metal enclosure ? Although it's hard to see on the technical drawings, are there any air-vents, as always I am concerned about hear dissipation..
Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 03:38
by johannes
And yes, keep questions coming, I know the information on the website still is a bit thin.
- Yes, we plan to install the WD GP disks for the 500 GB and 1 TB models. Not decided what we'll use for the small 80 GB version yet.. Any ideas?
- Yes, raid will eventually be supported directly from us, but we'll probably not make it in time before the sales start. It will be available later on though, probably as separate installers, requireing a complete re-install.
- Yes, WLAN is planned also to work as a client, but again, we don't have a time plan ready for this. Hopefully not to far in to the autumn.
All the best,
Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 03:58
by Tim
Great looking product everyone, it is nice to find a company that listens to their customer base and improves their product!
Just a request from an existing BUBBA user (I have two). I note that BUBBA|TWO uses Lighthttpd instead of Apache (Hooray!!), and Horde instead of Ilohamail (which seems to have been a 'quiet' project for a while). Is there any chance that the planned Etch edition of BUBBA will use this new software? Otherwise I might have to start saving up...
Does Horde use the SQLite database? I am not much of a fan of MySQL on small devices, and the MySQL developers' licence is a pain.
Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 04:16
by GettinSadda
Can I ask which Power PC CPU is in this device?
There is a whole range of them!
Edit: My current guess is MPC8379E
Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 04:51
by Clive
Will any advice, instructions be given on migrating from Bubba|ONE to Bubba|TWO ? I'm thinking of being able to copy emails / files from one to the other...
Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 08:11
by msx
It looks great! And the price seems reasonable too!
If i think i bought the first 64Mb bubba for over 500 € 
I expecially like the faster lan and usb. Looking back, one of the thing where bubba showed slow was transferring big files.
A couple of questions:
- How will the disk be partitioned? I hope for a small SO partition and a large storage partition, so that formatting the first will keep the second intact.
- How much will the wlan addon cost ?

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 14:42
by johannes
First, regarding prices, we made an embarrasing mistake there. The prices didn't include VAT even though it said so, all prices were 25% too low. The shop is updated now. Our deepest apologies, and hope you find the pricing acceptable despite this.
- Instructions for migrating is a good idea, we'll try to help you out with this. Files is just to transfer (SMB, FTP or whatever you like), and emails should be just to copy your '/home/user/Mail' folder to the new Bubba. Let us know if you need anything else and we'll look in to it.
- Regarding disk partitioning, yes, it will have a separate partition for the system.
- Price for wlan addon isn't decided yet I'm afraid.
Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 17:30
by andersos
At last! It looks very nice. I need a router, and so much more ... How will availability be in August? When will the faster cpu alternative be available?
It would maybe be nice if you could also offer as accessory some sort of esata case/cabinet that matches the design of Bubba|TWO.
Btw, does the sata controller in Bubba|TWO support
port multiplying?
Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 18:27
by johannes
Sorry for missing one questions, Bubba Two ships with MPC8313.
Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 18:29
by johannes
And andersos,
Yes, we are planning a similar looking esata cabinet. Realesed as soon as we have production running, within a month or two.
Regarding port multiplying I have to get back on that, I really don't know. Will check that out as soon as possible.
Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 07:32
by andersos
Very good. Can you say something about delivery time of Bubba|Two if I preorder today?
Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 08:56
by GettinSadda
johannes wrote:Sorry for missing one questions, Bubba Two ships with MPC8313.
Thanks for the answer - I had actually asked the same question in two different threads and other questions in those threads were getting answered, but not mine (which appeared simple).
I am a little disappointed that the faster MPC8379E is not being used, but the 8313 is not bad.
Can I ask why you are not using the MPC8313E which has a dedicated crypto accelerator built-in?
Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 09:08
by andersos
About cpu's, it was mentioned that Bubba|Two would later be available with a faster cpu. Which one would that be then?