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folders in /home

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 12:46
by MartinArvidsson

is the ftp and admin folder in /home of any importance or can i delete them?


another thing...
when I am logged in as root via ssh it doesn't say root@bubba as it does with users. Can I enable this?

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 19:41
by Cheeseboy
Hi MatinArvidsson,

>is the ftp and admin folder in /home of any importance or can i delete them?

I would not delete the admin user's home folder if I were you.
I do not know what would happen, but it is just asking for trouble in my opinion.

Why do you want to delete them? The product you have bought comes with certain functionality that requires some users and their home folders to be present in order to function... If you do not wish to use FTP functionality for instance, just disable it in the web interface...
Or if you are not happy with how the OS is configured, install one from scratch. Then you will have full control.

>when I am logged in as root via ssh it doesn't say root@bubba as it does with users. Can I enable this?
Same thing with the root prompt: why do you want to change it?
It looks different for a reason. It is so that you should be aware that you are root and better be careful.
You can make the prompt look anyway you want for any user. Search google for "bash prompt howto" and you will find instructions on how to do it. But again, why would you want to? It is there for a reason.
If you wanted your root prompt to look the same as the normal one but in bright pink colour or something I could understand it: to make you aware that you are root and to remind you to be careful.
But to make it easier to forget that you are root by making it look the same as the normal prompt just doesn't make sense to me.



Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 13:28
by MartinArvidsson
MartinArvidsson wrote:it doesn't say root@bubba
I want it to say root@bubba so i can see the difference between user and root, my scenario:



how I want it as ROOT:

and for the other question: I just don't like having folders lying around ;)

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 14:08
by Cheeseboy
Hi again,

The thing indicating that you are root is by default the hash prompt (the # sign at the end):

Code: Select all

niklas@bubba:~$ su
You can change it. I have never done it, but you will find ample instructions on google as indicated in my previous post.
Again, I cannot answer about the bubba default folders. Perhaps someone from Excito could do that...


Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 00:24
by microcode
MartinArvidsson wrote:I want it to say root@bubba so i can see the difference between user and root
You can change that by editing the .bashrc file in root's home directory (/root).

Change this line:
export PS1='\h:\w\$ '

To this:
export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '

The \u puts the username in the prompt string.

Then either log out and log back in, or type "source .bashrc" at the prompt.