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Configuring ftd
Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 04:09
by JanLarsen
My google powers are failing me

Serching for ftd alone gets to many hits, all of them seemingly irrelevant.
Different combinations of ftdconfig.ini, debian, unix, file transfer daemon etc. leads to something called grid and alice, that are not really helpful.
man ftd and man ftd.bin give nothing.
Where can I find some documentation for this backbone program?
Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 17:56
by Cheeseboy
Hello JanLarsen,
I can understand your frustration in trying to find information on google about this mysterious piece of software.
ftd is not a standard linux app. It is customly written for the bubba by the Excito crew. So only they can answer your questions, unless someone in the forum happens to know...
Posted: 21 Nov 2008, 08:16
by kfudd
I would also like some information about ftd.bin.
Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 13:57
by Hammer
ftd.bin is constantly using >95% of CPU.
There are no downloads or uploads visible in the web gui.
ftd -restart does not work, in fact there doesn't seem to be a way to restart that software.
Do I have to reboot?
Or is this behaviour normal?
Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 09:15
by GaryL
to restart ftd, log in via ssh, su as root, issue: /etc/init.d/ftd restart
Re: Configuring ftd
Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 13:44
by Hammer
bitch:/# /etc/init.d/ftd restart
bash: /etc/init.d/ftd: No such file or directory
When I go to the directory, there is indeed no ftd in it.
Re: Configuring ftd
Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 06:18
by vrep
For those interested, it's:
/etc/init.d/filetransferdaemon -help
Usage: /etc/init.d/ftd {start|stop|restart|force-reload}
I'm guessing the force-reload rechecks the files that are being downloaded. Something the ftd does when it starts.
As there is a directory called .resume-data in the user's torrents folder, I was hoping that you could pause certain downloads. Anyone from Excito who can shed a light on this?
On a side note: are there any other products out there that can do the same as Bubba's ftd?