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B3 dies without errors

Got problems with your B2 or B3? Share and get helped!
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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by DanielM »

Just a short question to everyone experiencing these crashes: Do you use encryption on your wireless network? WEP? WPA1/2?

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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Ubi »

I have WPA1 / WPA2 and never have crashes.

Oddly, when checking this I found I can no longer alter my wireless settings:

Code: Select all

These settings are locked . 
Either no wireless network card is available or no valid timezone is set
My timezone settings are fine afaik. Anyone any idea what this problem is?
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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by DanielM »

Ubi wrote:I have WPA1 / WPA2 and never have crashes.
Ok. Thing is I have no encryption at all (no neighbours within wifi range anyway) and one (quite far fetched) theory is that not having encryption somehow could cause the crashes. The rest of you?
Ubi wrote:Oddly, when checking this I found I can no longer alter my wireless settings:

Code: Select all

These settings are locked . 
Either no wireless network card is available or no valid timezone is set
My timezone settings are fine afaik. Anyone any idea what this problem is?
Yes, I have seen that. Don't really remember what I did to resolve it. I think I saw a thread about it somewhere in the forums, guess you could find it if you search.

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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Ubi »

crap you're right. It was in a tread I even commented in myself :(
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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by DanielM »

Just a status update here. I'm now running a 2.6.38 kernel that Tor has fixed for me. Our hope is that the bug triggering these crashes has been fixed upstreams, there is obviously quite some changelog between 2.6.35 and 2.6.38. For the daring the kernel is to be found here: ... g-kernels/. Works stable for me this far, but don't blame me if it doesn't for you :D

The plan now is that I'm gonna download a heckload of movies all weekend and see what happens. If it doesn't crash I guess I'll be happy. If it crashes at least we have traces of what happens on a new kernel, maybe we can take it upstreams...


edit: Just like to notice that yesterday evening I did all I could to crash my B3 with this new kernel. I started five high speed torrents. At the same time I started downloading stuff over ftp with around 10MB/s to my laptop (from wan and then routed through B3 to wlan). And while doing that I forced the B3 to use all it's cpu power to unpack huge rar files. This surely would have crashed it with the old kernel, so my hope is that the solution is here. And I also streamed music over daap without glitches (never worked good since I switched from B1 to B3). So I suggest those of you with troubles (and that are handy enough to install a couple of deb files) to try the kernel in the link above, would be nice to know if it works as good for you as it does for me. Still no guarantees it won't trash your hardware and kill your dog though!
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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Cheeseboy »


OK, so I have just installed the doctored kernel too.
First impressions:
It started.

More will have to come later.


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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Cheeseboy »

Second impression:
It caused havoc with my nfs setup, causing restart of all machines on my network.

EDIT: That was clumsily written. It didn't cause the machines to restart. I meant I had to restart them to get things up and running again...
Last edited by Cheeseboy on 27 Mar 2011, 07:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by DanielM »

Cheeseboy wrote:Second impression:
It caused havoc with my nfs setup, causing restart of all machines on my network.
This is strange, I haven't had any problems with nfs with the new kernel, I use nfs for sharing all my files from the B3 over my network. Could you provide some more info? Anything nasty in the logs?

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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Cheeseboy »

Well, no.
nfs-kernel-ser er restartee but mountå -a åfailååååee

CRAP, I will post again when I dont have to rely on my phone.
Currently my pc is unrelieable.
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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by DanielM »

Cheeseboy wrote:Well, no.
nfs-kernel-ser er restartee but mountå -a åfailååååee

CRAP, I will post again when I dont have to rely on my phone.
Currently my pc is unrelieable.
Hmm... So you have another server serving nfs stuff that you mount on your B3? I only have exports on my B3, I haven't tried mounting anything from another server...

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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Cheeseboy »

Bubba2, b3, popcorn hour, ubuntu desktop all have nfs shares... And mounts
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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Cheeseboy »

All hardware seem to behave now, but they did require a restart.


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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by DanielM »

Cheeseboy wrote:All hardware seem to behave now, but they did require a restart.
Kinda strange. And /var/log/syslog doesn't say anything useful on any of the machines?

Anyways, if everything is working now I guess it's just a matter of waiting now to see if it crashes. Maybe start a couple of torrent downloads or something, usually tends to make my B3 more unstable.

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Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by Cheeseboy »

And /var/log/syslog doesn't say anything useful on any of the machines
I haven't even checked. First action was reboot, and then it was sorted, so no further action required :-)

Well actually first action was restart of nfs-kernel-server on all machines, but even after that there was some strange behaviour with df hanging and access to mount points hanging.
Last edited by Cheeseboy on 24 Mar 2011, 04:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Sweden

Re: B3 dies without errors

Post by DanielM »

Cheeseboy wrote:
And /var/log/syslog doesn't say anything useful on any of the machines
I haven't even checked. First action was reboot, and then it was sorted, so no further action required :-)
Bah! You're just being a lazy bastard! Go check the logs!


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