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Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 04:43
by asparak

It's all gone very quiet because we are busy testing, both the WiFi kit and the software version 1.3 that it needs :)

When we first started the Beta test, there were lots of stability issues with the drivers, encryption etc. The beta testers and Excito have been diligently working through each issue as it occurs and several of us are now seeing very good results and performance from the WiFi kit. We are waiting for more results from other testers.

Obviously release dates etc are for Excito to decide, but personally, I think we are pretty close to the WiFi being ready. Excito will need to be sure 1.3 is ready as well as the two go hand in hand.
Just a couple of relatively minor annoying niggles to be checked out.

Stay patient. The testers are doing this for nothing, so we can't always drop everything to do in depth testing of new releases. Each new software release, means we all need to set aside 2 or 3 hours of time to check it out, so this isn't a quick thing to do.


Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 09:43
by Fourwinds
It's here now ... YEAH!

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 15:57
by Crotub
I might just be looking in the wrong place, but I can't find the add-on on the website, only new Bubba 2's with the wifi option?
When is it likely to become available as an add-on for previous Bubba 2 buyers?

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 04:06
by johannes
Current customers can order wifi addon-kits from this link: ... art=974088

Note: There is an issue with older revisions of the Bubba main board. Only revision D boards support WiFi. In order to see whether your board is the correct revision, please open your Bubba, and read on the main board. The revision is printed in white just to the right of the Excito logotype. Revisions could be RB, RC or RD.

Should you have RB or RC boards, (less than 5% of our customers have those) we need also to exchange your board. This is of course included in the upgrade cost. Contact us and we'll sort that out.

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 10:05
by Skaven
på mit moderbort står det RD1 betyder det att jag kan köra med wifi eller måste mitt kort byttas ut?

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 10:08
by Caper
Jag tolkar det som att du kan använda wifi kitet.

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 16:47
by johannes
Correct, RD1 = RD = good. :)

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 11:37
by jonj1
Does the bubba2 wireless add-on support WPA encryption?

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 14:09
by HeSitated
jonj1 wrote:Does the bubba2 wireless add-on support WPA encryption?
Would a wireless add-on without WPA sell? :wink:

So yes, it supports WPA and WPA/2.

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 06:02
by novis
Revisions could be RB, RC or RD.
What's the difference between revision B and D. I have B, I just checked. Is there any other functionality dependent on the never revision, beside the wlan addon? Anything planned?


Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 06:07
by johannes
No, the difference is just a bug fix concerning the mini-pci connector, hence, WiFi _might_ not work properly with those boards.

Should you wish to get a WiFi kit we'll exchange your rev B board against a newer one for free. Just let us know ( and we'll sort the practical stuff.

Best Regards,

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 25 May 2010, 20:16
by jonj1
Could anyone give an idea what kind of data transfer rates are possible over bubba2's wireless connection, for 'g' mode and 'n' mode? I wouldn't expect it to be close to the nominal link speed..


Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 10:23
by mike_nl
Hi Johannes,

you have written:
>>Should you have RB or RC boards, (less than 5% of our customers have those)
>>we need also to exchange your board. This is of course included in the upgrade
>>cost. Contact us and we'll sort that out.

I have the Rev = RC1. That means that i have to change my mothervboard when i
will buy the Wifi set form here? ... art=974088

Please help me out, what is possible in that case?

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 10:51
by johannes
Yes, this is correct. The motherboard exchange is included in the purchase price for the wifi-kit. Please contact for further instructions on the exchange, the procedure depends on where in the world you live.

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 10:56
by mike_nl
Hi Johannes,

thank you for this fast answer. I will d it as you provide.
BTW: The Netherlands ;-)