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Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 15:12
by Ubi
I'm sure that's not a difficult job, but I've never done it. So this recipe is at your own risk.

First you must become root (=the admin user)

Code: Select all

su - 
then backup the db connection and remove the squeezecenter package

Code: Select all

 cp /etc/squeezecenter/ ~
apt-get remove squeezecenter
mv /etc/squeezecenter /etc/squeezecenter.ori
then re-install the software

Code: Select all

apt-get install squeezecenter
mv /etc/squeezecenter/ /etc/squeezecenter/
cp ~/ /etc/squeezecenter/ 
I hope this does the trick. There is a small chance that the removal does not really remove the config files and that the problem is exactly there. So have a go with this and see if it helps. There's a good chance you loose your uploaded cds though (although these may be kept in the mysql database and not removed). This recipe assumes the squeezecenter mysql database is untouched. It may be possible that the db is re-made with a fresh password, and that the restoration of the debian-db file kills the connection instead of repairing it. So be sure to keep the original.

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 01:32
by ulvaren

I think that just hear what Exico say it. :wink:

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 13:03
by Cheeseboy

During my attempts to reproduce the problem, I had to use:

Code: Select all

apt-get purge squeezecenter

Code: Select all

apt-get install squeezecenter
When I just tried remove (rather than purge) and then install, it did not recreate the files I had destroyed.
I also ran into problems with the database.
I did not know what password the original installation had set up, and I didn't bother to look in /etc/squeezecenter/ before running the purge, so apt failed to delete the database and user.
I ended up having to do it manually.

Let me know if you run into the same problem, and I'll let you know how to do it.

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 13:18
by ulvaren
I have the same problem, password mysqul. So either the password or help.

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 13:53
by Cheeseboy
Well, this should tell you the existing password:

Code: Select all

# cat /etc/squeezecenter/
Look for $dbpass, then use that in the uninstall process when you are prompted.

Or if you want to start from scratch and get rid of it (WARNING! This will get rid of all your indexed files, settings etc):

Code: Select all

root@b3:/etc/squeezecenter# mysql
mysql> drop database squeezecenter;
Query OK, 16 rows affected (0.96 sec)
mysql> drop user 'squeezecenter'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> exit
Then when you do:

Code: Select all

#apt-get purge squeezecenter
Answer No to "Deconfigure database for squeezecenter with dbconfig-common?"

Then when you do:

Code: Select all

#apt-get install squeezecenter
You will get a similar prompt:
"Configure database for squeezecenter with dbconfig-common?"
Answer Yes.
Leave a blank password on the next two prompts (press TAB to get out of the password field and SPACE to press OK)

Hopefully no errors, start it:

Code: Select all

# /etc/init.d/squeezecenter start
Check for errors:

Code: Select all

# tail -f /var/log/squeezecenter/server.log
It will now have to rescan all your stuff, and it might take a while, but the web access should be fine (albeit slow at first).

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 14:11
by ulvaren
I took it again and so it seemed TAB space's facilities and drove.

Server log recieve this message:

Code: Select all

[11-01-07 21:16:50.3947] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (1552) Warning: Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
2011-01-07 21:16:50 SqueezeCenter died. Restarting.
[11-01-07 21:16:52.8208] main::init (323) Starting Squeezebox Server (v7.5.1, rTRUNK, UNKNOWN) perl 5.010001
[11-01-07 21:16:57.5179] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (82) Error: DBI Connection failed: DBI connect('database=squeezecenter;hostname=;port=','squeezecenter',...) failed: Access denied for user 'squeezecenter'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 950
[11-01-07 21:16:57.5520] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (82) Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 82)
   frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 972)
   frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect (/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 814)
   frame 3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_populate_dbh (/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 753)
   frame 4: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ensure_connected (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 41)
   frame 5: (eval) (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 41)
   frame 6: Slim::Schema::Storage::dbh (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/ line 289)
   frame 7: Slim::Schema::_connect (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/ line 125)
   frame 8: Slim::Schema::init (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 744)
   frame 9: Slim::Music::Import::_checkLibraryStatus (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 677)
   frame 10: Slim::Music::Import::useImporter (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 48)
   frame 11: Slim::Music::MusicFolderScan::init (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 435)
   frame 12: main::init (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 578)
   frame 13: main::main (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 1072)

[11-01-07 21:16:57.5556] Slim::Schema::init (128) Error: Couldn't connect to database! Fatal error: [] Exiting!
[11-01-07 21:16:57.5706] Slim::Schema::init (128) Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/ line 128)
   frame 1: Slim::Schema::init (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 744)
   frame 2: Slim::Music::Import::_checkLibraryStatus (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 677)
   frame 3: Slim::Music::Import::useImporter (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 48)
   frame 4: Slim::Music::MusicFolderScan::init (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 435)
   frame 5: main::init (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 578)
   frame 6: main::main (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 1072)

[11-01-07 21:16:57.5811] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (1552) Warning: Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
2011-01-07 21:16:57 SqueezeCenter died. Restarting.

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 14:57
by Cheeseboy
You will have to tell us a bit more about what you did...
Try to document step-by-step, like I did above.

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 15:32
by ulvaren
I have now restarter B3 and server.log is now.

Code: Select all

# tail -f /var/log/squeezecenter/server.log

[11-01-07 21:30:25.9571] Slim::Schema::init (128) Error: Couldn't connect to database! Fatal error: [] Exiting!
[11-01-07 21:30:25.9602] Slim::Schema::init (128) Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/ line 128)
   frame 1: Slim::Schema::init (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 744)
   frame 2: Slim::Music::Import::_checkLibraryStatus (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 677)
   frame 3: Slim::Music::Import::useImporter (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 48)
   frame 4: Slim::Music::MusicFolderScan::init (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 435)
   frame 5: main::init (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 578)
   frame 6: main::main (/usr/sbin/squeezecenter-server line 1072)

[11-01-07 21:30:25.9642] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (1552) Warning: Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
2011-01-07 21:30:26 SqueezeCenter died. Restarting.

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 15:40
by Cheeseboy
You will have to tell us what you did!
And not just "restarter B3", but all of it.
All the steps on the way, any errors you got, what you choose when you got menus to chose from etc.

You need to learn that we cannot magically understand what you did, or what happened.
Imagine yourself in our position.
Read your own posts and think to yourself "would I understand that if I knew nothing at all except the information in the post?"

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 16:02
by ulvaren
Hello Cheeseboy

I do not know where it went wrong the first time, but it works now. So I thank you and Ubi really very much for the great help and your patience for a little causes aging man.

:D :D :D :D

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 08 Jan 2011, 04:28
by Ubi
Hey Ulvaren it would be kinda nice if you wrote down the solution here as other users with similar issues may read this thread for answers.

Re: Ingen kontakt med Squeezebox server

Posted: 08 Jan 2011, 07:07
by ulvaren
I will do over the next day. But otherwise I followed the Cheese Boys vejlednig, but I must have made n mistake the first time.