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Re: Mapping a network folder on Bubba2?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 07:33
by raymond
in addition to this all:
I am able to map the public folder drive \\home\storage without giving any username.
but I am not able to map with my user folder, i.e. \\home\raymond\
not even when I use the same Vista (7) username/pwd on the as on the Bubba.

strange. haven't got a XP image available, but looks like a Vista and Win7 issue.

Re: Mapping a network folder on Bubba2?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 08:03
by janeks
If I remember right, You can not map both at the same time - only one of them.

Re: Mapping a network folder on Bubba2?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 09:43
by raymond
hi Janeks,

didn't try the same time.
started with trying the user folder.....

Re: Mapping a network folder on Bubba2?

Posted: 18 Dec 2009, 06:59
by fmvaz
Hi raymond,
I had the same issue on windows 7. Turns out you have to use the "net use * /d" command but also close any connection you have with bubba before attempting to use the "net use x: bla bla" command. Even having windows explorer to browse your folders (even when not browsing bubba!) or is sufficient to get the error. I assume this is because this uses samba too and connects via anonymous user.