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Re: B3 update kills fireplay [Solved]

Posted: 15 Jul 2013, 13:36
by a1n
Ok I figured it out. Minidlna was running, but this is a legacy implementation. I stopped and started forked-daapd. Now everything is fine. Cannot figure out why minidlna was running though.

Anyway I consider it solved.

Re: B3 update kills fireplay [Solved]

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 03:56
by a1n
Hi, I solved it. Somehow minidlna was running on my B3 with software version 2.6. I don't now why, I have had this problem for some time. So I fixed it, stopped minidlna with /etc/init.d/minidlna stop and started forked-daapd (which was not running) with /etc/init.d/forked-daapd start. That solved all of the problems as described by gonk in this thread.

Here is request to forum members from the Excito company: can you please update the User Manual for the B3 (as found on to reflect that minidlna is no longer used in updated software versions as well the reference to the B3:3689 server interface that no longer exists.

Re: B3 update kills fireplay

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 14:13
by vladi
@ a1n

You helped me solve the Fireplay problem I was having after 2.6 upgrade

Thank you