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Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 14:41
by yooakim
I am so pleased to finally have a working DLNA server, great to be able to get my files from all my devices. I have always had small issues before but now with MiniDLNA it just works!
Keep up te good work!
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 15:00
by RandomUsername
@Johannes, any thoughts about the N only mode being unavailable?
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 17:15
by johannes
No, not yet. I've made a note to look in to it, we'll get back on this shortly.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 06:47
by Eek
After the upgrade, first the Wireless settings were locked.
I had to set the timezone again.
Then I had access to the wireless settings again.
But also here N-only mode is grayed out.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 07:12
by Tompa
There seems to be a minor copy/paste issue in the file /home/web/index.html
The title tag says BUBBA|2 instead of what I think should be B3.
It's been there a while, perhaps even since the first B3 release. A small thing of course but still a bit irritating seeing that during redirection

Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 07:30
by johannes
Yes, the "Bubba|2" title is an old bug we can't fix, since we have chosen not to upgrade people's index.html file (/home/www/). In fresh installs this is fixed.
Workaround is to edit the /home/web/index.html yourself if it is too annoying.

Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 09:32
by mike_nl
This is not an old bug, this is an allways new feature

Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 15:02
by AzP
I tried doing the update, and it worked OK, except for some warnings when running apt-get from the shell. When looking at this post, I saw it was because of me having minidlna installed from before, so I ran apt-get prune minidlna, and answered yes to the question if I wanted to proceed.
First my web interface went down, and stupid as I was, I took the Windows approach to it and thought "Oh, let's reboot and it will work!". Now I can't even SSH into it anymore. Does anyone have any tips? It's alive, and the Mediatomb server (!) is up and running. I just can't SSH into it or reach it through the web interface anymore.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 15:04
by AzP
btw, I can also reach it through the windows network using explorer. I mean as in Samba file access.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 15:30
by AzP
I'm currently reading, so let's hope I can get it to work again.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 18:58
by AzP
It actually looks like I managed to fix everything, even though I actually made it a lot worse for a while.
I managed to uninstall lots of needed packages by running apt-get autoremove (and it removed LOTS). But by finally coming to the conclusion that running apt-get install bubba could re-install a lot of my system without resetting config files (or user partition), I managed to get it up and running again!
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 06 Aug 2011, 14:43
by beweb
Update took a litlle hour and it looked like all went good. But...
Returning to the admin homepage and tried all links whre I could not go to the photoalbum section (/album).
Error: 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE):
Also the webmail-link to the horde installation (/pim) doesn't work.
The rest of the system functions nominally.
Restarted system
Checked the installation to repeat the software update proces but responded with 'No upgrades available'
Update from command line interface gave same message.
Is there a change in those systems?
And how to adjust those?
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 06 Aug 2011, 16:53
by beweb
little adjustment to my previous post:
Some of my pages on the webserver don't work anymore and some do ...
Strange behaviour.
Read something about installing a VPN-client ... remember that i played with something like that a few months ago. Don't know which one it was and how to remove it.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 06 Aug 2011, 17:18
by beweb
removed openvpn with "apt-get purge openvpn"
That didn't give the solution.
Find out that all php pages don't work. Looks like the php-server doesn't work the right way.
Even the simple phpinfo() command doesn't show anything.
reinstallation of php (apt-get install php5) didn't give a solution.
Any suggestions here?
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3
Posted: 06 Aug 2011, 18:23
by Cheeseboy
I had to reboot after waiting for two hours, but all seem fine now.
Before rebooting the updatebackend.p and minidnla processes bogarted most of the CPU and memory space.
After rebooting, DNLA was activated by default, even tough I had not choose to do so. I hate this kind of MS behaviour.
I notice the new DNLA setting in the admin pages, but the help page has not been updated to cover it. This also smacks of Microsoft... Please, please please keep on the straight track Excito...